Or he could have just been a badass, thrown the rope around a water pipe on the ceiling, pulled himself up with one arm, and tied it around his neck with the other. Since he was such a badass, the pipe came out of the fitting a little bit, and water started leaking onto the floor.
D3V said:
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Umm, that might make it float, but technically it gains mass if you put helium in it....
this is so much fun.
"why I've gotta be one of the cool kids just to walk by/
- without being tripped, thrown down on the ground and kicked/
Insulting me for no reason, I was treated like shit/
The teachers let it happen/
I've even seen some of them teachers laughing/
That's why I had a smile on my face when I started blastin/" - Ill Bill - The Anatomy of a School Shooting
I'm pretty sure that you can't put something in something and make the second something somewhat lighter...surely the only way to do that is subtract things from it...VACUUM!