Well, I'm not exactly an art professional such as our very own Randuin, but I managed to throw a signature together for you. You probably won't like it because I suck so much at using art programs, but I tried and that's what counts.
I got a friend that works on mcdonalds and he spit on a cops burger that was going through drive threw(how the fuk is drive threw spelled? through? threw?)and when the cop was taking off the pickles he noticed the blob in there he took it to a dna lab or somewhere where they i.d. him. Yeah, he owes like a 5000 dollars. He might've even spent a night in jail. Not sure.
Nah, he didn't attack him cuz he spit in his burger. He attacked the kid cuz he put a hole in his soda, and when Farva took the game piece off it leaked all over him. Plus, the kid was giving him a hard time cuz he wanted a "liter-a-cola."
Got a friend who asked for a litr'cola at Burger King once.
Oh, and yesterday, I was riding with another guy and I told him to get me some uber-jumbo fries from McDonalds, and he asked for "uber-jumbo fries." FYI: If you order uber-jumbo fries, they give you a super size.
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