KagomJack said:
They killed terrorists? HA HA HA! Boy, you are stupid. Ain't no nicer way to put it. They killed blacks who wanted to vote, they killed Republicans, and they killed Catholics and Jews. Why? Because they were sore losers. That's all. You have been deluded and brainwashed by a society who has nothing better to do other than create havoc and mayhem just in the name of God or White Power.
THEY KILLED CATHOLICS AND JEWS? WHAT? Is that why there were Catholics and Jews in the KKK? RETARDED FAGGOT! You damned victom of the Jew media: Worsening the post war situation were the infamous Carpetbaggers and Scalawags, who sought personal profit and political power by exploiting the plight of both the freed Negroes and conquered Whites. The Radical Republicans declared the Southern States would have to be re-constructed before they could be re-admitted into the Union. Until then, the ex-Confederates had no rights of citizenship. Southern whites were completely disenfranchised with no legal standing. They could not vote, hold public office, or petition for the redress of grievances. In an effort to stop the lawlessness, the South was divided into five military districts and marshal law declared. Through out the South, freed Negroes formed the Union League and Black Militias and in most areas were given the task of enforcing marshal law. Led by corrupt officers and self serving politicians, the Union League became the most violent and murderous arm of the reconstruction to Blacks and Whites alike. I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP -- THIS CAN BE FOUND IN BOOKS (NOT ZIONIST BOOKS THOUGH) I'm stating facts here, with books backing my facts up. They killed blacks AND whites who raped, murdered, or pillaged crops. You have been deluded and brainwashed by a society who has nothing better to do other than create havoc and mayhem just in the name of Jewish supremacism.
OH YEAH! THEY WERE JUST SORE LOSER RACIST CRACKERS WHO WERE BORED SO ONE DAY THEY DECIDED TO WEAR SOME GHOST UNIFORM TO KILL ANYONE THEY DIDN'T LIKE -- Give me a fucking break. Sometimes I cry at night because the Jewish supremacists are killing two birds with one stone when there are people like you in this world -- Queer and brainwashed.
The Execution of Bill German in Overton County.
The Union and American of Saturday says: "By a private letter from a trustworthy gentleman residing at Cookville in Putnam County, we give some further information in regard to the recent execution near Livingston, in Overton County, by a body of supposed Ku-Klux, of the young man Wm. German, an account of which we published Thursday morning. "He says that a few days before the execution, German shot and badly wounded, and supposed he had killed, a Negro man living in his neighborhood. The shooting took place in a public road, and the Negro managed to crawl to the house of his employer, where he told who had shot him. The Negro had the character of being a quiet, peaceable man, and as there had been no previous trouble between him and German, it was supposed the crime was perpetrated in pure wantonness.
It is thought that the persons by whom German was killed were members of a secret organization, to which he belonged - but whether Ku-Klux or not, nobody in the neighborhood appears to know. The body of men concerned in the execution numbered about 200, and none of them were identified by citizens who witnessed their appearance and departure. Accounts reported Bill German was found hanged in a nearby barn; a sign posted there declared:
Hung for shooting a Negro, Bill Cullum, and violating the laws of Ku Klux."
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.
When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.
Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.
If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.
Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.
You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.