Refer to where i show even more...
Raziel said:
1. There is no concrete proof that Magus' barrier can absorb any of the following types of elemental attacks. Earth, Air, Force, Sonic, Light or Spirit. Raziel has attacks and spells of all of these varieties.
Refer to this thread
There is even a picture that show when he has fire damage it say FIRE ONLY!! NO, OTHER SPELL WONT WORK!!! FIRE DAMAGE
Raziel said:
2. There is no concrete proof that Raziel's Wraith Blade is magical. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that standard attacks from Raziel will cut right through Magus' barrier.
Refer again to this thread
Yes there is. The Blade when it was physical was MAGICAL and you agreed. Now it is broken and part of Raziel. It doesnt do physical damage it is said to do elemental and non-elemental which is magical and i by refering the thread i posted a quote that is written in the script that it isnt physical.
Spiritual energy is also essence of magic itself...
Raziel said:
3. Even if Raziel's Reaver can be considered a magical weapon, Magus still has an obvious defect in his barrier that alerts his opponent to his elemental weakness by doing nothing more than looking at him. Raziel has Reavers that match every elemental alighment except Lightning, and his Light Reaver could quite possibly be used to substitute.
Bloody hell, you like twisting definition it's actualy even sad.
The light that Raziel have is HOLY. NOT LIGHTNING. Technological light will not affect a vampire. Yet the light Raziel has is HOLY which PURIFY which is differant from a color that is PURE. It is said in the game you know it. A vampire will not be destroyed when fire light is near. But the sun light will destroy or hurt some vampire as the sun is considered as light that PURIFY and is consider HOLY.
Raziel said:
4. I have posted a number of reasons as to why Magus' barrier might simply not work at all in this fight, due to lack of summoning materials and/or the fact that his barrier might not work at all outside of his castle.
Did your really play that game ? Cause if you remember correctly when you deal the 6666 damage to Magus he isnt even dead. It's just at the time that Lavos arrive because he was summoned. EVEN Magus say it. "I have not created Lavos i only summoned him"
Raziel said:
5. Magus has no defense against Raziel's telekinetic powers, and can be tossed around at will. This eliminates Magus' advantage of flight and could very well substitute as a replacement for standard attacks at all, considering that Magus' physical defense barrier is only proven to work against weapons, and not all physical damage.
Again, wrong! Proven to work against physical damage. Show me where you saw that physical damage dealt from a non-weapon ignored his barrier. Your making things up. His TK pool isnt forever he cannot always do that and it will be doing close to if no damage at all.
Raziel said:
6. Magus has shown no ability to cast, attack, dodge, defend or do anything else while in the air. It is also a fact that Magus requires elaborate somatic components (movements) in order to cast his spells. TK manipulation would automatically render any spell of Magus' null, considering that he can't cast while in the air, and he obviously needs to be able to move his arms around in order to cast.
The only thing that is proven is that he cannot maintain his flight while casting, defending or attacking. Not that if someone else hold him in air will prevent him from casting.
Raziel said:
7. Magus' spells are all area-attack spells, some of which can be aimed, but only within close range. Magus has shown no ability to cast at great distance.
Magus spell cover the whole screen. Just like Megaman, Zero and Bass. We never see the limit of their attack so assuming that the limit stay there is not true. The lightning spell is the ONLY one where he move to cast it. So he can aim the other one in an area he see.
Raziel said:
8. Raziel is the superior melee fighter, Kuja even admitted to it.
Yes, he is. But shitty damage wont cut it on Magus. He cannot be defeated with mere weapon. During the time he would be brought to half his hp with mere weapon he would have time to bring down his enemy several time.
Raziel said:
9. Magus cannot heal himself at all, unless Raziel is slow enough to do so for him accidentally by using the wrong element of spell. Raziel can shift into spectral at any time to restore his health.
Raziel cant do jack against Magus. So he can heal all he want it wont change shit.
Raziel said:
10. If the Reaver is magical, then he can easily switch Reavers instantly, at any time, in order to accomodate Magus elemental weakness because obviously his weakness is visible to the naked eye. If the Reaver is not magical, it does standard damage, because the Reaver is an inherently heroic weapon and Magus has shown no ability to absorb the damage from non-magical energy weapons.
Physical weapon including Masamune does shit damage on Magus. I have proven that it is magic. So it is absorbed and Raziel cannot do Lightning Damage.
In conclusion, Raziel doesn't stand a chance. Magus is too Strong, Evasive, Resistant and absorb quite a lot. He has too many advantages at his disposal. Magus cannot be killed by the masamune alone. What make you think that some rock will be more efficient then the masamune? I heard some impressive joke from you so far. But you sure worked that one.
Refer to for even more information.