Pimp, you are sayin the exact words almost that i have been expressing to people with bumber stickers that say things like "these colors dont run" ... im sick of this false patrionism..its not real real patrionism is always there not just when 5000 people die. i understand the hardships and suffering it has caused, i knew someone who died. i mourned in my own way i did not go buy flags. i sat back and got pissed that the stores around me sold out of american flags and people were robbing stores to get them. what kinda patrionism is that. and also a store went up in my local mall called america a month after 9\11 the store boomed for a month or 2 at all the lemmings buying there greed. people who made money off this bye selling flags bumberstickers pins and such should go to hell, yes yes if ur buying them and the proceeds maybe go to charity thats ok, but on with my story..the store closed down in less than 3months because everyone lost their patriotism and loose it more and more every day. Fuck America, Fuck this greed
heh, Americas government is basically built off greed. I agree that it is really sad how people think it is patriotic to go buy a lot of propaganda. That is the sadest way to show your patriotism in my opinion.
but anyway
what can you expect yes it would take a tragedy to unite the nation
but the way i see it
we are no more united now than at anytime before
all we did different was hang some flags
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."- Benjamin Franklin
I'm too lazy to read all the replies, so I just read the first question by pimp. I agree dude, it did change everything...you wouldn't normally see the patrioism you saw after 9/11/01
on a date such as 9/10/01. My uncle & aunt have flags still on their trucks & bronco.