Thats the most retarded logic ever. The "fucking Arabs" don't care if you have a baseball bat. Theyre going to die anyways. If they see 300 people w/ bats theyd just be like "We'll you see, I've got the bomb strapped to my chest. And uh... I'm going to kill us all wether you hit me w/ that bat or not."
Yeah, my plan when I fly and the plane gets jacked. Is to quickly gather some blankets and make a parachute from them. Then open up the emergency door, hope to be above some kind of water and jump.
There's travel in your future when your tongue freezes to the back of a speeding bus. Fill that void in your pathetic life by playing Whack-A-Mole 17 hours a day.
The look on your face will be priceless when you find that 40-pound watermelon in your colon. Trade toothbrushes with an albino dwarf, then give a hickey to Meryl Streep.
You will never find true happiness - what you gonna do, cry about it? The stars predict tomorrow you'll wake up, do a bunch of stuff and then go back to sleep.
Your birthday party will be ruined once again by your explosive flatulence. Your love life will run into trouble your fiance hurls a javelin through your chest.
The position of Jupiter says that you should spend the rest of the week face down in the mud. Try not to shove a roll of duct tape up your nose while taking your driver's test.