You guys have wierd ass old wives tales over there. Onions on the feet, cheese gives you nightmares.
All we hear about over here is dont sit to close to the Tv.
What it is is that when you eat cheese and go to sleep you become in pain because cheese is so hard to digest especially when sleeping and the pain makes you have nightmares.
You ought to listen to old wives tales Kaneda, quite a lot of them do have truth behind them. Many modern medicines are made from what was said in old wives tales, and they work extremely well.
Paracelsus was a German alkyholic. When other doctors found new cures he listened to old wives tales, found cures that worked, created theories that were hundreds of years ahead of their time (he had the idea about germs hundreds of years before Pasteur), and went down to the local pub to have drinking contests with the local peasants...which he always won.
Talking about wine I've got a friend who doesn't like any type of alcohol all because he doesn't like wine (he's never tired anything other than wine)...stupid bastard.
I dont eat anything after 19:00ish. Cottage cheese is the last thing I eat. Usually around 19:00. I usually go to bed at around 23:00-0:00 unless I go out. Rarely have any nightmares.
Hmmm...I think an experiment is in order. I don't think I can have nightmares due to the fact that anything that goes on inside my head becomes insane very quickly...yet you...
Try eating some kind of cheese just before you go to bed and see what happens.
My cats often bring home mice. The small cat usually brings one home half dead and then starts to play with it pushing it back and forth with her cruel.
I wont eat any cheese before going to bed though. Anything you eat before going to sleep will be stored as fat. I dont want that.
I like it when I have dreams about things that I have dreamed about before. Talking about dreams...I havent had sex in a dream for LONG time... sex in dreams are cool.