That fucking machine at work that I said gave me free quaters just ate my 60 cents! Piece of shit! I think those fucking Coke vendors are up to something... It was counting my quaters as 10cents, and then when I pressed change return it just clicked at me and gave me a nickel back. Fuck I wanted some Reeses too...
I'm sitting here in a fucking suit waiting for my family so we can go to some fancy dinner, bored out of my mind. They're so goddamn slow sometimes. I don't even really wanna go, but I don't have much of a choice. My family donated $10Million to a local hospital, and this is their way of sucking up to us
KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
I donated 2 to the cancer foundation once, but only because I grabbed the wrong coin from my pocket and getting it back was too much trouble.
From now on cancer foundation collecters get the same treatment as Jehova witnesses. Open door, call them dirty whores, spit in their faces, kick them away and quickly close the door.