Posted 2010-05-07, 03:54 PM
in reply to Grav's post starting "Next time."
Walked home in the pouring rain last night, which wasn't nice. Got to bed late, moped (mood, not the method of transport) about today. Cheered up a bit now, but I'm still feeling somewhat morose - I think life has caught up with me again. I let down my defences, and everything I've bottled up for the past year overwhelmed me.
Nevermind, eh? Clear mind for exams, and I'm in the perfect mood for revision - I wouldn't be sad if I went the next four or five weeks without speaking to another person. I've grown up a loner, it's what I'm good at. I'm missing my cats, though.
I don't like fish and I hate the sea, but I'll get lucky one day. Hopefully karma is building me up for something spectacular.