Some people are too immature to enjoy PLAYING A FUCKING GAME. I guess they think their Halo rank actually matters in the real world. I suck and I know it, but I enjoy the game and the friends I play it with. See you guys online....
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
Yea i went up to visit a clan member and tried to get him on, but the internet in Mass wasnt working so we had to play custom games- one on one for th entire weekend. The good thing is that he will be with internet in the next couple of days, so he will be posting here and playing alot more. For all of u who know him, JRwakebord is my hero.
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER