Sovereign said:
You know that 50% of your posts consist of yourself whining about either myself or Grav?
And leadership? Wtf am I, your role model? I clean up shit from the forums, that is my ONLY job. I'm not your role modle or anyone elses.
My job:
Clean Threads
Ban idiots
Help in the TTTS forum.
Now I'm not too sure if you remember, but some time ago it was said that staff would be treated like members. They would be the same, no special treatment. Just because I have a nifty little title under my user name doesnt mean I have some obligation to post 100% serious on topic world changing event information. If I'm getting out of hand, or doing something wrong, a moderator or admin will tell me and I will adjust it.
You are neither. YOU are categorized into a group called staff wannabe's. You blindly point at my posts and claim they are breaking the rules when most then time they clearly arent. You keep telling me I'm breaking rules or flaming when I am not. Get it through your head. Calling someone a fucking retard isnt flaming.
Zelaron has THREE admins. Chruser can always be contacted on aim, and wetwired is around a good deal. If ANY of the staff were doign harm to the forum, one of these thre people can be contacted to demod the person. Funny thing is, this has NEVER happened. (at least in the time that I've been here).\
You people are acting as though the whole staff always says no to every single idea as a group. That if one person says no, all say no. Has it ever occured to you guys that we work as a TEAM. All you have to do is convince ONE of us that its a good idea, and chances are MORE then likely that this person can convince the rest to go along.
There are 2 hidden staff only forums where any good ideas and or suggestions are brought up. Just because you don't SEE anything happening doesnt mean there ISNT anything happening.
Now if everyone things rule enforcement has to be stricter, tell me. However, the ONE thing that will NOT be tolerated is people BITCHING about when a staff makes a decision. If you can agree on that, I'll take care of the spam. If you just HATE a decision a staff member makes, (and you have to have a DAMN good reason d3v, it cant be because you didnt like when i closed a spam filled thread or some other random stupid shit you usually end up whining about, like a poll change), PM them and talk to them in a rational non agressive manner and the matter wil be taken care of.
You all are JUST as responsable as any staff member for the content and 'fun status' of this forum. If you want it better. Knock off the whining. Knock off the stupid shit, and all will get better.
I'm not even a staff wannabe, I'm a post-staff member that got the boot for calling somebody a nigger, and when rules are broken I bitch about them, and never get the same disciplinary action towards them.
Oh, and that one time you banned be for using profanity, nice shot below the belt.
If the title under your name doesn't mean shit, then please remove it, and turn the staff into a covert-type deal. Most of the time I bitch about a staff's decision is when it is unfair mainly towards me or anybody else in the argument. (Had several posts closed because they were anti-sov and a few that bashed the staff). SO I did end up PMming you and you deleted it, tried contacting you over aim you told me to fuck off blocked me..etc.etc. The Forums have gone to shit with you here Sov, as sup mod you lose, as you have not done anything positive for Zelaron.
As for Grav, he used to be a funny person in my opinion, then one day he got modded (for some thread that nobody knows of...iuno.) And he starts spamming every fucking reply he can with random bullshit that should be deleted according to the rules. I think you guys do need to crack down tighter on the bullshit and crackdown shit mainly besides chat forum, where bullshit is allowed.
I don't see how you can get off saying we are just as responsible for what goes on here, yes you are our role models (supposed to wise, so what do we look up to? A stupid fat loser hippie who smokes/drinks and lives in his mom's basement). But when one of you two, or any other staff member for that matter goes around bullshitting excessively, the members follow do the same, forums turn to hell, ban all.
Edit: Now that i'm done bitching and starting to think about it, Zel's problems will probably fix themselves in about 2 weeks when alot of southern schools go on Summer break.