Sovereign said:
I need to be prepared so I can slaughter his auradin -.-
If he's competent and its just for pvp he's probably going to be looking at a Dragon/Dream combo (a permutation of Dragon Shield, Hand of Justice, Dream helm, Dream shield which will give him about 30 Holy Fire, 30 Holy least if I remember correctly) and probably maxing the resists to synch, conviction, and charge.
There are vengeance versions, zeal versions...versions with fanaticism instead of conviction...versions where you use holy freeze as well...but he'll probably be using what I just mentioned.
Watch out for splash damage but I dont think Auradins can own everyone...any more than chargers normally do at least. Basically its just a new version of the one hit chargadin and instead of just massive physical damage you're boosting with elemental and getting some splash damage too.
The problem is instead of using classic charger gear you're sacrificing DR and other mods for those auras. Your damage reduction will be zero outside of your dungoes belt and you have nothing to socket to fix that really. I'm sure you can still make a basic version of resists, +life, IAS (if needed) and FHR breakpoints somehow between the item mods, gloves and charms and if the HoJ is in a PB or something but......its going to become a crapshoot for you (then again aren't most chargers?).
I personally think the zeal Auradin makes for a far better pvm and I'll probably make one myself one day.
As a side note, I doubt he'll be a hybrid (like a Judicator for instance) as you need those points for the synchs in the resist auras as well as conviction to make the auras worth it...I say see if he's a charger or a zealer and play accordingly with the note of splash damage. I doubt it would be easy but given the amount of runes he needs to make this I should hope not.