well ive heard it comes out by end of this month. so make up your theories o new quest or fixes itll contain let me start this off.
-characters will be aloud 2 swim in water.
-you will be able 2 climb trees and shoot arrows from that possition.
-houses wil have doors you can lock with keys that you buy.
-you will be able 2 stack arrows in the hosues on a shelf.pots etc.
-have up 2 5 merc on your team
-the return of elixirs vit,dex,str,magic.this would be much fun.
Did you guys really miss that? He was trying to play around with what some cool ideas would be for the upcoming patch. Making them up. He never said these are going to be features of the new patch 1.11.
Is that one of the reasons he got banned? Or is it purely the thread where he said he loves little kids and fucks them all the time?
Anyways, more ideas. Add an additional portion to Act IV and add 3 more quests. Also, in Act I (or Act II) you should have a quest where you free Tyrael. Tal Rasha should be possessed/brought to life by Diablo (Reincarnate) in a different act, and the boss of that Act (VI?) would be Tyrael corrupted by Baal and Izual's Spirits. It ends by you going to heaven to conquer Tyrael because he flees there, but he falls into the physical plain (or what's left of it). More Uniques so you don't always know that a Hydra Bow is a Windforce. There should be 3 or 4 different items for each unique class/item. More sets with better/not shitty attributes.
Other than that I can't think of anymore things. More runewords would be good, and a whole new class of items i.e. a mace/sword item.
Bolster the effectiveness of monsters, increase drop rates. Make it possible to trade Gheed's Fortune, and do away with annihilus charm. More Unique Jewels and charms.
Decrease a tiny bit how godly rares can be.
what a little cocksucker to come here and claim that he "heard" about a 1.11 patch... what a fucking liar.. makes me sick
I use to be a shoe shinner now I sip Aunt Jamima, I go to sleep in Europe and wake back up in China. CLUB 977 The 80's Channel!!!!! -winamp radio is heaven on earth
OMFG there is no news of a 1.11 patch it is all made up so STFU
I use to be a shoe shinner now I sip Aunt Jamima, I go to sleep in Europe and wake back up in China. CLUB 977 The 80's Channel!!!!! -winamp radio is heaven on earth
Dude WTF!? I came up with some theories/ideas, OPINIONS ALL OF THEM!
They are just talking about the whole storyline that is already out. Read the stories in your Diablo, Diablo II and LOD books, or buy the novel, it explains all that happened.
No, Baal's soulstone was damaged and would not contain him without the possiblity of escape. So, Tal Rasha volunteered to contain Baal within himself, and instructed everyone to chain him to that rock.