A just like how the story is done, every character plays a part and their reasons for coming with you are explained well. Plus, it has Kefka.
Non-Final Fantasy Game: Suikoden 2
One of the most complex dark stories ever told. Plus, it's a neat combination of RPG and strategy game.
Character: Viktor (Suikoden 2)
He was just badass in general. Always drunk and walking around with a chip on his shoulder, yet still reliable and quite intelligent. Plus, he had a talking sword that he always argued with. Shame he didn't show up in part 3.
Well, more for the same reasons I like Grahf. Jowy starts the game as your best friend, but slowly becomes an enemy. You are drawn into conflict with him even though he also believes he is helping the kingdom in his own way.
Enemy: Tonberry
The buggers can really be a pain in your side in some of the FFs.
Weapon: Lionheart (FF8)
I have to agree. Gunblades are just cool.
Town: Tie - Solaris (Xenogears)/Broken Hills (Fallout 2) Dungeon:Vault 15 (sort of a dungeon) FMV: The Highwind's transformation in FF7 Mini-Game: Tetra Master (FF9)
Least Favorites
Final Fantasy Game: FF8 (but I don't hate it) Non-Final Fantasy Game: Silent Hill 2 Character: Cecil Side-Character: Baigan (FF4) Villain: Seifer (FF8) Boss: Chameleon Man (Wild Arms 3. Oh joy, a boss who's every second move instant kills your entire party!)
I really really enjoyed Triple Triad. Was it just the variations in rules that you didn't like, or what?
Also, I don't remember exactly what it is, but FF music is played during the Culex fight. I always thought that was hilarious.
Kuja said:
Least Favorites
Character: Umaro (FF6)
Grr... Umaro is l337.
Kuja`s #1 said:
Hmmmmmm..... Good point. I'm manily FF. I did play FF3-6, just never finished them. The only one I did kinda like is the one where you end up on a pirate ship after playing for like 30 minutes. The other one I really hated was the one involving: your a knight, you kill a monster, its a summon and you killed some girls mother.
The other one I kinda liked was where ou meat a treasure hunter and you have to fight off people with Moogles.
How can you represent yourself as a FF fan and not like FF4 and 6? You couldn't even identify the plots... Omfg.
By the way, the default names in FF5 are gay.
Butz.. Galuf... come on.
D3V said:
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....understand Japanese. I said I had played FF3 and Raziel said something about if I don't know Japanese I can't have played it or something. I played it at a friend who's family is Japanese and they tought him. I mean taught.
After playing FFVII, FVIII, and FFIX, I couldn't play old school games like that. I don't know why. I'm not graphics crazy, I just didn't like the way the mountains were flat. I did like the Pirate ship one.....still can't remember, even though Raziel told me. I just didn't know where to go once I got on it. The map was to large and nobody told me which direction to go in.
Well, it's nice to have some provided direction. I just finished FF1, and they don't give you Clue #1 as to where the fuck you're supposed to go next. It's the only game I've ever played where I had the Player's Guide next to me the entire time. Getting lost for over an hour in the goddamned Terra Cave was just too much for my low patience reserves to handle.
Yeah, but there is a severly warped difficulty slope if you don't do it in the correct order. Trying to beat the Warmech at level 12 isn't something I would consider particularly easy.
Garland appeared in two Final Fantasy games. FF1 and 9. In fact, it's rumored that they are actually the same character, considering that the FF9 Garland mentions at some point in his past he tried to "rule the world by force," and it apparently didn't work.