*Anti-Zelarien Group start a meeting*
*I Whisper*
You guyz seen that it was the leader of the zelarien!
*Someone Whisper*
Yeah i know this is bad !
They are always up to something when he is arround !
*Zelarien Group Arrive !*
*Zelarien Group says*
Resistance Is Futile
*Anti-Zelarien Group says*
*I cast*
*I say*
Pull Back !
*Run away*
No one will catch me !
I swear this place is just one underground Conspiracy. I've heard so many diffrent rumors and i've been here for almost a year now. Oct 10th is my one year anniversity. WTF is going on behind the doors of zelaron? Hell the name alone sounds like a Conspiracy! lol Only one can wonder what goes on in those private forums By the way my first account was xwelchsidx or something like that. for those who will say i've been here snice oct
Zelaron Explaine yourself? Whos blowing who now to get posistions! lmao
lol...u remember that official zelaron hitman thread
u better watch out what u say about zelaron...spread 2 much of the secret and they may come for u
*Come out of the shadow*
*Start talking*
No one will Close This ! We Will Resist Till The End !
Shh you !
Flare Star!
*Zelarien Apoq says*
Omg Gota Run !
Im Just A Druid !
I swear this place is just one underground Conspiracy. I've heard so many diffrent rumors and i've been here for almost a year now. Oct 10th is my one year anniversity. WTF is going on behind the doors of zelaron? Hell the name alone sounds like a Conspiracy! lol Only one can wonder what goes on in those private forums By the way my first account was xwelchsidx or something like that. for those who will say i've been here snice oct
Zelaron Explaine yourself? Whos blowing who now to get posistions! lmao
lol...u remember that official zelaron hitman thread
u better watch out what u say about zelaron...spread 2 much of the secret and they may come for u
i know, taco told me way to much. im a Code Blue as hospitals would say
Zelaronian-NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo(that's me even though titus won't let me change it) attacks with ULTIMA FLARE!!! They fire at us with grenade launchers.
tacoX-(If I save Zelaron, I'll be re-Adminned, possibly become Webmaster(nothing bad against taco)) He charges forward with The Spear of a Thousand Deaths The resistance falls back. They scramble in complete confusion.
The only real conspiracy is that crusher has multiple personalities.
They branch off into groups.
Supreme Mods
Undercover imps
These are all crushers multiple personalities....... He is forming an underground alliance against Black People!
!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
No, I say you let them roam free, so fourth they will rule the world!!!
!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]