Posted 2003-03-19, 07:20 PM
in reply to Umpc's post "Sorc Merc Help"
For Slay had the best merc, I'll tell you MY piece! =)
I had:
Vipersking(for +1 skill and the resistances)
And blackhorns mask, for those grubby babas that use tele! and bye the time their out in the middle of no where, and theyve ran outa tele on their ammies, they have to run back? With what? -10 rw??? So, once their int he middle of no where... And they call you names, ect like 'slow'user, take their gold, and nk them till theres no end! Until they rejoin and while they rejoin, you leave! If your dueling amaz, get ur fcr on sorc really high, and just tele as fast as your comp can go , usually its noobazons or burrito zons that shoot, (nooba is like zeppy, or wf(ith zons, AVOID!), ) And your sorc just tellies pas teh leet multy arrows!
Nick~ Thats my piece.