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Posted 2008-09-05, 09:26 AM in reply to Willkillforfood's post starting "KA, you've really been on here causing..."
KA said:
Let's be clear, I'm not excusing anything that I have done. Like you said, I've admitted to breaking the rules, but I'm not claiming that I have any sort of excuse. I knew perfectly well what I was doing and what the consequences could be, and I decided to do it anyway because it was hilarious. I'm not going to complain if I end up getting demodded/banned, because I knowingly did what I did. I'm also not claiming to have any sort of immunity simply because I'm staff.
Dude has been breaking rules right and left lately. I'm not one to bitch about the rules (most of which I think are dumb), but this is exactly one of the reasons D3V got banned. In fact, the "No Trolling" rule was set up by KA because D3V was trolling KA and his girlfriend, Nikki. This is exactly what KA is doing; AND HE'S ADMITTING TO DOING IT. I mean shit dude, how are you going to almost permanetly ban somebody and then get away with the same thing?

I'm not calling for KA to be banned, either. But what he's doing is wrong, and the worst part about it is he know's what he's doing is wrong but he doesn't give a fuck anyway. Something should be done. I, personally, have been a target of KA's antics and have got banned for it in the past. The biggest asshole at Zelaron has banning powers.. how the FUCK does that work out? I know I didn't vote for him, and I can't believe he brainwashed all of you into thinking he was some saint for Zelaron. That's the way he led his "campaign" - saying you were going to bring some big changes. Where are the changes KA? The only changes I've seen have come from WW and Chruser and you've sat in the corner and been a complete asshole to almost everyone.

Last edited by Thanatos; 2008-09-05 at 09:37 AM.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2008-09-05, 01:29 PM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "Dude has been breaking rules right and..."
[16:28] Tuttifrutti: i cant be your gf, you have one already and i has a bf :P
[16:28] Wallow: then you'lls be my girlfrien...
[16:28] jamer123: lol
[16:29] *Wallow creeps up on Tutti menacingly*
[16:29] Tuttifrutti: lol you dont even like me :P
[16:29] Tuttifrutti: wheres my man to defend me, gosh
[16:29] Wallow: I never said that, you assume things =/
[16:30] Wallow: forget kaz lol
[16:30] Tuttifrutti: lol alright, i apologize for assuming, i made an ass out of you and me
[16:30] Tuttifrutti: im sorry i cant do that, i live with him :P
[16:30] Wallow: Then I'll just have to kill him
[16:30] System: Kazilla has joined the chat
[16:30] Kazilla: yea uh
[16:30] *Wallow gets ready to pull the job*
[16:31] System: D3V has joined the chat
[16:31] D3V: k back
[16:31] Draco2003: hurry
[16:31] Tuttifrutti: hi baby!
[16:31] Kazilla: hi
[16:31] Draco2003: o.o
[16:31] Draco2003: D3V and Tutti....
[16:31] Wallow: okay if you live with each other
[16:31] Draco2003: bow chika wow wow
[16:31] Tuttifrutti: what
[16:31] Tuttifrutti: ...
[16:31] Tuttifrutti: i was saying that to kaz
[16:31] Tuttifrutti: lol
[16:31] Wallow: then why are you messaging each other
[16:32] Draco2003: D3V came back and you said, "hi baby"
[16:32] Wallow: Watch, they're sitting right next to each other
[16:32] Tuttifrutti: ...
[16:32] Tuttifrutti: kaz came after dev
[16:32] Draco2003: i dunno
[16:32] Tuttifrutti: wait
[16:32] Tuttifrutti: i lie
[16:32] Tuttifrutti: but still
[16:32] Tuttifrutti: lol
[16:32] Wallow: what tutti, what!
[16:32] Draco2003: according to my screen he came before
[16:33] Tuttifrutti: okay people just calm down
[16:33] Tuttifrutti: yes i realize, i was wrong :P
[16:33] Tuttifrutti: thank you
[16:33] Wallow: same, stop hiding your intimitate crushes baby
[16:33] Draco2003: I'll have you know... if you feel the need to document any extra-marital escapades, I know how to work a camera
[16:33] Draco2003: wink wink nudge nudge
[16:33] Willkillforfood: foos
[16:34] Tuttifrutti: lol yeah.. anyways
[16:34] Kazilla: stop
[16:34] Draco2003: sorry
[16:34] Wallow: that won't happen Draco, I'll kick you with my kenpo
[16:34] Tuttifrutti: what do you want for dinner chris
[16:34] Draco2003: I apologize Kaz and Tutti
[16:34] *Wallow chicken kicks Draco*
[16:35] Draco2003: what the fuck is a chicken kick???
[16:35] Wallow: chia
[16:35] Wallow: you jump and snap kick, that's what
[16:35] System: D3V has left the chat
[16:35] Draco2003: damn it...
[16:35] Draco2003: D3V left
[16:35] Tuttifrutti: wallow sounds like a jerk chicken
[16:35] Tuttifrutti: not that i know what that is
[16:36] Draco2003: LMAO
[16:36] Tuttifrutti: he'll be back
[16:36] Draco2003: like he's jerkin' his chicken
[16:36] Tuttifrutti: he's always doing that
[16:36] Tuttifrutti: no!
[16:36] Draco2003: I understand everything...
[16:36] Draco2003: where did kaz go...
[16:37] Wallow: haha, the enemy left
[16:37] Wallow: leaving a clear path for my target
[16:37] Willkillforfood: lol, my bro thought he got a label maker from the company he interned with
[16:37] jamer123: god i admin banned me when i own the site
[16:37] Willkillforfood: and it was like a label maker box filled with random shit
[16:37] Tuttifrutti: i dunno, he wont talk
[16:37] Willkillforfood: and he had already sent an e-mail back saying, "thanks for the label maker!"
[16:37] Wallow: we're alone now baby
[16:37] Draco2003: LMAO
[16:37] Draco2003: what a bouche dag
[16:37] Wallow: hey, give us some privac
[16:38] Wallow: y
[16:38] Kazilla: wallow fucking knock it off
[16:38] Wallow: the enemy is back
[16:38] *Wallow enters kill mode*
[16:38] Draco2003: Wallow, even if Tutti flew to where ever it is that you reside, and stripped naked, and lay on your bed and DEMANDED that you fuck her brains out, you wouldn't know what to do
[16:38] Wallow: LMFAO!
[16:39] Tuttifrutti: okay stop it
[16:39] Tuttifrutti: too far
[16:39] Kazilla: seriously, stop...
[16:39] Wallow: yea
[16:39] Draco2003: it was a for instance...
[16:39] Wallow: I was gonna say, Draco made things awkward
[16:39] Tuttifrutti: lets get back to normal conversation circling around someone else
[16:39] Wallow: whatever you say baby
[16:39] Wallow: lol, okay I'll stop
[16:40] Wallow: just teasin'
[16:40] Draco2003: i think i need to explain my remark...
[16:40] Wallow: Yes Draco, I would know what to do
[16:40] Wallow: no need to explain it
[16:40] Tuttifrutti: no worries draco lol just different topic okay
[16:40] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[16:40] !King_Amazon!: No keep it up, it's fun watching Kazilla get pissed off
[16:40] Draco2003: NEW SUBJECT
[16:40] Wallow: I know isn't it
[16:41] !King_Amazon!: Like he's jealous about what some idiot on the internet is saying about his girl
[16:41] Kazilla: fuck off ka
[16:41] Wallow: I was originally doing it for that
[16:41] !King_Amazon!: suck my cock
[16:41] Tuttifrutti: ka stop it thats not funny
[16:41] Kazilla: yea if you only understood the half of it
[16:41] Wallow: uh, I think he does
[16:41] !King_Amazon!: Are you that insecure, Kazilla?
[16:41] Tuttifrutti: ka please can we just talk about something else
[16:42] !King_Amazon!: You're that worried that she'll leave you, that you don't even want someidiot on the internet talking naughty about her?
[16:42] Wallow: Yea, kaz was taking all of this seriously
[16:42] Tuttifrutti: yeah well how you would feel
[16:42] Tuttifrutti: god
[16:42] Wallow: I would just laugh
[16:42] Tuttifrutti: you guys are acting like its okay cause its not your gf
[16:42] !King_Amazon!: I would laugh
[16:42] Wallow: Don't get emotional woman
[16:43] Tuttifrutti: well thats nice but i dont want to talk about this anymore
[16:43] System: Kazilla has left the chat
[16:43] !King_Amazon!: It's not like we're around you doign it
[16:43] !King_Amazon!: It's on the internet
[16:43] !King_Amazon!: WTF does he have to worry about?
[16:43] !King_Amazon!: It's humorous
[16:43] Wallow: he left lol
[16:43] Wallow: went to cry in front of the mirror
[16:43] Tuttifrutti: its humorous to you because you dont understand anything we've gone through
[16:43] System: D3V has joined the chat
[16:43] D3V: Lol, you'd do the same K_A if your girl was on here.
[16:43] !King_Amazon!: It's entertaining how insecure he is
[16:44] Wallow: no he wouldn't
[16:44] Tuttifrutti: stop being a jerk
[16:44] Wallow: I wouldn't either
[16:44] !King_Amazon!: Haha, my girl wouldn't be on here talking to a bunch of losers
[16:44] D3V: she's dating one?..
[16:44] !King_Amazon!: And even if she was, she'd be laughing right along with me
[16:44] Wallow: lol
[16:44] Wallow: Tutti, I'm surprised you weren't laughing
[16:44] Tuttifrutti: why are you pushing this? i asked you to stop
[16:44] Tuttifrutti: i was laughing at first
[16:45] Wallow: did you take it seriously as well?
[16:45] !King_Amazon!: There's some sort of tension between the two of them
[16:45] !King_Amazon!: I've yet to understand it, but there's something
[16:45] Tuttifrutti: but i thought that when i said change the subject in the first place, it would change
[16:45] !King_Amazon!: Some sort of bad history
[16:45] Wallow: or was it after that Draco suggested you naked on my bed did you stop laughing
[16:45] Draco2003: I think there was a point that was crossed...
[16:45] Tuttifrutti: that was bad, yes
[16:45] Draco2003: i didn't suggest that
[16:45] Wallow: yes you did
[16:45] Draco2003: oh did I?
[16:45] Wallow: even if it was a hypothetical situation
[16:45] D3V: Didn't I just get banned for intentionally "trying to bring peoples personal problems to the forefront of Zelaron" Don't be a hypocrit K_A.
[16:46] Tuttifrutti: he said in a hypothetical situation
[16:46] Willkillforfood: Exactly, King Amazon
[16:46] Tuttifrutti: he didnt say hey tutti go lay on wallows bed
[16:46] Draco2003: exactly
[16:46] Tuttifrutti: yeah seriously leave my personal stuff out of it
[16:46] Tuttifrutti: god
[16:46] Wallow: whatever tutti
[16:46] !King_Amazon!: How am I bringing anyones personal problems here?
[16:46] Tuttifrutti: i didnt ask you to come in here and act like a jerk
[16:46] Willkillforfood: Wallow, shut the fuck up.
[16:46] Tuttifrutti: whatever you wallow
[16:46] Willkillforfood: KA, you're encouraging it.
[16:46] Wallow: you are all upset over there, and I'm cracking my ass off
[16:46] !King_Amazon!: I'm not even the one doing anything, I'm just laughing about it
[16:46] D3V: You are pushing the envelope of a sensitive subject of theirs man, don't be a douche.
[16:46] Tuttifrutti: yeah and you're suggesting kaz and i have personal problems
[16:46] Wallow: Fine, I'll shut up
[16:47] Wallow: no need to bitch
[16:47] !King_Amazon!: He's almost said as much himself
[16:47] Willkillforfood: Don't cause any relational problems for them or they'll quit coming
[16:47] Willkillforfood: and I, for one, enjoy their company
[16:47] Willkillforfood: as do others.
[16:47] D3V: I'm just saying, that was the whole basis of my ban that you had argued about, and now you are doing the same thing and trying to manipulate the situation now.
[16:47] D3V: just stop.. lol, don't be a douche. I'll admit it is funny just .. lol stfu.
[16:47] Wallow: WKFF, do you really enjoy Kaz's company?
[16:48] !King_Amazon!: Will you shut the fuck up about your ban? I said I was no longer supporting it
[16:48] D3V: Talk about how much Sarah Palin is going to suck tonight, or something.
[16:48] Willkillforfood: It's funny until it happens to you.
[16:48] !King_Amazon!: Stop bringing it up like I'm still against you being unbanned
[16:48] Wallow: Like seriously WKFF
[16:48] Tuttifrutti: thank you wkff
[16:48] Willkillforfood: Wallow, yes.
[16:48] Willkillforfood: There's nothing wrong with either of them.
[16:48] Willkillforfood: I enjoy all of you alls' company.
[16:48] D3V: I'm just using it as an example of you being hypocritical.
[16:48] Wallow: fine
[16:48] Willkillforfood: Joking around is good and all, but there's a threshold when it becomes too much.
[16:48] Willkillforfood: I'll admit, I've pushed that boundary before myself.
[16:48] Willkillforfood: But this is easily recognizable as one.
[16:48] Wallow: I didn't pass it
[16:48] !King_Amazon!: I've openly admitted to being a hypocrite, and still do
[16:49] Wallow: Draco kinda passed it with his comment
[16:49] D3V: I'm listening to "Jaguars this Week" streaming free, so awesome. I love the information age.
[16:49] Wallow: But seriously WKFF, Kaz?
[16:49] Tuttifrutti: why is that so outrageious
[16:49] Willkillforfood: Kaz isn't a bad guy.
[16:49] Tuttifrutti: if i can stand him and i live with him, you guys can
[16:50] !King_Amazon!: There is a somewhat fundamental difference between MJ and this, though.
[16:50] Wallow: maybe he's different in the real world, but on Zelaron he acts ilke an immature prick
[16:50] !King_Amazon!: Kazilla brought her here (I assume)
[16:50] Wallow: some of the time
[16:50] Willkillforfood: Wallow, so do you man :P
[16:50] !King_Amazon!: Bringing his girlfriend onto the internet is asking for trouble
[16:50] Willkillforfood: and so do I
[16:50] Tuttifrutti: ...
[16:50] Tuttifrutti: i joined on my own
[16:50] D3V: You just said stop bringing up the ban, and now your talking about it.
[16:50] Willkillforfood: KA, my girlfriend has seen this forum
[16:50] !King_Amazon!: That's why Nikki has never been to Zelaron and won't ever be
[16:50] !King_Amazon!: I'm not that retarded

That's this whole mess started, a funny mess though.
I doubt anyone will read this whole thing unless they were truly bored
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Wallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2008-09-05, 01:33 PM in reply to Wallow's post starting "[16:28] Tuttifrutti: i cant be your gf,..."
Swallows said:
That's this whole mess started, a funny mess though.
I doubt anyone will read this whole thing unless they were truly bored
wow sounds like the exact fucking thing KA said when he posted the first bullshit. oh and its fucking hilarious did i tell you how hilarious i mean i was laughing so hard because it was hilarious and i just cant believe how hilarious it is
Profile PM WWW Search
Kazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessKazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessKazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2008-09-05, 01:44 PM in reply to Kazilla's post starting "wow sounds like the exact fucking thing..."
Hey swallows, it's funny how you left out the rest of it you little shit.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2008-09-05, 01:46 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "Hey swallows, it's funny how you left..."
[12:33] Kazilla: wow swallows is retarded
[12:34] System: D3V has left the chat
[12:40] System: Wallow has joined the chat
[12:40] Wallow: and now it starts again
[12:40] Kazilla: because your dumbass doesnt know when to stop
[12:41] Wallow: Who says that I made that to insult you?
[12:42] Wallow: People could have been curious as to how it started
[12:42] Wallow: I had no intention of insulting you when I made that
[12:42] Wallow: But you start it again
[12:42] Kazilla: you know wallow i really shouldnt be mad at you - you have clearly shown your alliegence to KA. my only question is this
[12:42] Kazilla: how does it feel to be his bitch?
[12:42] Kazilla: his tool?
[12:42] Kazilla: his pawn?
[12:42] Wallow: And since you're such a dumbass, you're craving to be insulted more
[12:42] Kazilla: your backbone is weak
[12:43] Wallow: Ohh I'm KA's bitch
[12:43] Wallow: there you go with the backbone insult
[12:43] Wallow: You say the same things over and over again
[12:43] Kazilla: its true, you used his identical line when attempting to start this bullshit all over again
[12:43] Wallow: now I didn't
[12:44] Wallow: And you're the one fucking starting this
[12:44] Kazilla: when lenny told you to stay out of it what portion did you not understand?
[12:44] Kazilla: was it the stay or the out?
[12:44] Kazilla: what word are you learning this week in school
[12:44] Wallow: I told you you're pushing this unto yourself
[12:44] Kazilla: ignorance?
[12:44] Wallow: HA
[12:44] Wallow: You're such a dumbass
[12:45] Wallow: So, what field did you go in after college
[12:45] System: D3V has joined the chat
[12:45] D3V: Hey both of you.
[12:45] Kazilla: why dont you run along and finish up your homework before you get grounded
[12:45] Wallow: How to play videogames
[12:45] D3V: Keep it in the Flame Forum, don't clutter up the chatbox.
[12:45] Wallow: How to have your girlfiend stolen from your by a WOW addict
[12:45] Kazilla: lol now he uses KA's material grats
[12:45] Wallow: lol, girlfriend
[12:45] Kazilla: amazing, ka has you intertwined doesnt he
[12:45] Wallow: It's not K_A's material, it's reality staring you straight into the face
[12:45] D3V: Hey both of you
[12:46] D3V: POST THIS BULLSHIT in the flameforum. That's what it's there for.
[12:46] Wallow: When you made that thread about how you need serious life help
[12:46] Wallow: Fuck that, you're life sucks bithc
[12:46] Wallow: bitch
[12:46] D3V: want me to make a thread for you two to bitch in?
[12:46] D3V: ......
[12:46] Wallow: I did D3V, but Kaz has to take this up in the chatbox
[12:46] Wallow: He straight out calls me a retard, a hypocrite right?
[12:47] D3V: Dude, regardless just from right now on, just post in there.
[12:47] Kazilla: ...yawn
[12:47] Wallow: yea, I'm done with this loser in here
[12:47] Wallow: Plus I'll get banned if I continue to kick his ass
[12:47] Kazilla: lol swallows, im almost done you better swallow it
[12:47] Wallow: and all he has to say is a yawn, because he has to keep his cool
[12:48] Wallow: not go in a rage like last night
[12:48] Wallow: seriously, what did your girlfriend give you to calm down?
[12:48] Kazilla: thats right, or i have reclaimed my selfcontrol and took it to the flame forum
[12:48] D3V: Dude
[12:48] Wallow: Because last night, you were all threatening that you were going to kill us
[12:48] D3V: why don't either of you listen?
[12:48] Wallow: Now that was funny
[12:48] Wallow: kk, I'm done

Last edited by Kazilla; 2008-09-05 at 01:49 PM.
Profile PM WWW Search
Kazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessKazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessKazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2008-09-05, 01:52 PM in reply to Kazilla's post starting "[12:33] Kazilla: wow swallows is..."
..I meant that you would post bitching to each other in here, not the actual conversation. Lol

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
Profile PM WWW Search
D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2008-09-05, 01:54 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "..I meant that you would post bitching..."
why retype everything i just said to the idiot, i understand it takes him multiple times to understand - lenny has given him what 3-4? warnings now to stay out of this? and yet he continues, nobody cares how this started nor do they care about it. KA took the liberty upon himself to post something that shouldnt be posted. and now its free game?! i do believe that in the ff rules it states if your not involved stay the fuck out.
Profile PM WWW Search
Kazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessKazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessKazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2008-09-05, 01:59 PM in reply to Kazilla's post starting "wow sounds like the exact fucking thing..."
Seriously, you're insults are so original. Why don't you take those insults, and shove them up your cunt. Or have Megan help you, since she does everything for you, including defending you from the "mean bullies." I mean, did you seriously ever come up with a good insult? I'm going to kill you K_A. Or, Wallow, you'll die before I commit suicide. I mean, wtf? I would have loved to see your face, probably houghing on a paper bag to keep your cool. Yet by the end of that chat, that paper bag was in shreds. I'm curious, what did your girlfriend give you to calm down? Some ritalin? I'd think she would had to shove it up your ass like a suppository pill so it would take immediate affect and you wouldn't have ended your life right there and now. I think that would've been satisfactory, it would've saved all of us on Zelaron all the bitching you do. Worse than Tutti. I bet even she wouldn't have cared. She'd probably get hooked up with that Warcraft addict and be happy that he gives better sex than your mangina ever gives. Ohh and btw, since I have to tell you at least three times until you can understand, the post you responded to was never made to insult you in anyway. It was made to answer the query of how all this mess was started. Adios pendejo!
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Wallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:09 PM in reply to Wallow's post starting "Seriously, you're insults are so..."
why dont you fucking stop talking about me you dumbass. good fucking lord. i know you're still in high school but for christ sake, grow up a little. you fucking talk like you know my entire fucking history and yet i bet you've never even touched a fucking girl, asshole. you're provoking my boyfriend just like he's provoking you. and dont fucking try to apologize to me and then act like a fucking prick again. stupid ass. STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT ME AND MY FUCKING SEX LIFE YOU FUCKING CHILD.
Profile PM WWW Search
Tuttifrutti shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeTuttifrutti shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:11 PM in reply to Tuttifrutti's post starting "why dont you fucking stop talking about..."
Haha, alright. Take some ritalin and calm yourself
Profile PM WWW Search
Wallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:11 PM in reply to Tuttifrutti's post starting "why dont you fucking stop talking about..."
Ok so anyone wanna fill me in?

It seems kaz is denying swallow in something(presumeably sex)and swallow did not like the answer?(I PHAIL????)
Level 50 Human Berserker
3/7 Elite Set Currently have Rageplate Helm,Rageplate chest piece and staves

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xSerenity Diedx is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenxSerenity Diedx is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
xSerenity Diedx

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:13 PM in reply to xSerenity Diedx's post starting "Ok so anyone wanna fill me in? It..."
basically KA revieled himself to swallows and swallow went to work on the little cock ka has been known to possess. they continue to stroke eachother firmly until its time to swallow to live up to his name. he is about to burst but he is trying his best to hold it in, because dont forget this is hilarious.
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Kazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessKazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessKazilla has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:16 PM in reply to Kazilla's post starting "basically KA revieled himself to..."
Kazilla said: [Goto]
basically KA revieled himself to swallows and swallow went to work on the little cock ka has been known to possess. they continue to stroke eachother firmly until its time to swallow to live up to his name. he is about to burst but he is trying his best to hold it in, because dont forget this is hilarious.
LOL "live up to his name"
Level 50 Human Berserker
3/7 Elite Set Currently have Rageplate Helm,Rageplate chest piece and staves

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xSerenity Diedx is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenxSerenity Diedx is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
xSerenity Diedx

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:25 PM in reply to Wallow's post starting "Haha, alright. Take some ritalin and..."
fuck you swallows. fucking child. im sorry your parents didnt raise you better.
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Tuttifrutti shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeTuttifrutti shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:28 PM in reply to Tuttifrutti's post starting "fuck you swallows. fucking child. im..."
Tuttifrutti said: [Goto]
fuck you swallows. fucking child. im sorry your parents didnt raise you better.
Did take your ritalin yet? You're still cursing. My parents raised me fine girlfriend, you're just pissed because your boyfriend is a total loser. I'm done with whatever relationship problem you are having. Seeya bitch!
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Wallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:31 PM in reply to Wallow's post starting "Did take your ritalin yet? You're still..."
.. did i ever fucking say anything about how im sad that my boyfriend is a loser? what the hell is wrong with you. you need the fucking ritalin, you dont know when to quit. fucking poser, act like you're all nice and shit and want to be forgiven and then assume you are, then turn around and be a dick again. fuck you.
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Tuttifrutti shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeTuttifrutti shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:36 PM in reply to Tuttifrutti's post starting ".. did i ever fucking say anything..."
No, actually I was just asking to be forgiven so you wouldn't bitch at me again. I am perfectly calm, you're the one agitated. This is the 5th time I'm saying this. I never wanted to start anything with you. Kazilla started all that has happened the past few days, he has brought this upon himself. I'm not going by what you've said that he is a total loser, it is a fact. You're the one who pushed herself in between me and Kazilla just to give you the excuse to bitch at something. Now fuck your mother and stop being such bitch! My god
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Wallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:38 PM in reply to Wallow's post starting "No, actually I was just asking to be..."
blah blah blah, wallow is a child. doesnt have anything better to say.
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Tuttifrutti shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeTuttifrutti shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:43 PM in reply to Tuttifrutti's post starting "blah blah blah, wallow is a child...."
Tuttifrutti said: [Goto]
blah blah blah, wallow is a child. doesnt have anything better to say.
Why are you calling me a child lol? You're the one who is persisting this cock up. If you want to end it, then stop posting in this thread. I've already left it, now I'm just laughing at how worked up you are over nothing.
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Wallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of massWallow is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2008-09-05, 02:47 PM in reply to Wallow's post starting "Why are you calling me a child lol?..."
well if you've left it then you wouldn't have responded to my response. you want to be in here replying to everything i say, don't lie to yourself. btw, i won't be suprised if you respond to this too. go on, you know you want to.
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Tuttifrutti shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeTuttifrutti shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life


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