Yah, it's giving me that same problem now. It's supposed to be The Beatle's "I feel fine", with more trippy animation. I showed my friend when he was high, he completely lost it. I damn near cried laughing watching him.
KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
I drool when I smoke pot, until the cotton mouth kicks in. Anyone ever take a huge bong rip and drool comes out? lol, I'm usually good at keeping it in my mouth but I've seen people do it.
Never... but I do love the feel of cotton mouth... I get the same kind of effect, altough, it's just for a couple of minutes, when I've been to the dentist. I'm guessing it's because of the gloves they use?
Master Kagom: Also, it's good to know that sometimes I talk in my sleep
Master Kagom: o.o
<Name deleted>: :P
Master Kagom: I'm serious
Master Kagom: I woke my dad up once talking to him in my sleep
<Name deleted>: ...
Master Kagom: >.>
Master Kagom: <.<
<Name deleted>: yeaah
Master Kagom: What >.>
<Name deleted>: Why were you in bed with him?
Master Kagom: ah ha ha ha
Master Kagom: I went on a fishing trip with my famliy
Master Kagom: *family*
Master Kagom: dad, uncle, aunt, cousins
<Name deleted>: :P
Master Kagom: and the rooms were uber small
Master Kagom: like
Master Kagom: 2-3 people to a bed
Master Kagom: and one person slept in the chair
<Name deleted>: Right, understandable
Master Kagom: hehe
Master Kagom: What were you thinking when I said that?
<Name deleted>: I.. well odd thoughts
Master Kagom: *chuckles* understandable
Master Kagom: I may be from the south, but I ain't THAT southern
Actually, there's a whole procedure to anal sex...but I'm not going to disclose that information on a public forum simply because I find that to be kinda tasteless and no one is gonna use it...well...almost no one.