Ya, thier made by like Oscar Meyer, they have cheese put into the middle, and yes it melts obviously when you heat the dog up. But it doesn't really taste like cheese.
Well I might be imlpying that I hate gay guys that like to eat lots of cheese. OR I could be implying that one day a giant race of bug aliens will start to imigrate to America, and imbed themselves into our political and radical leaders groups, therefore control everyone from the president to your average podunk police officer. Thereby giving rights and other equalitys to the bug race, which they DO NOT deserve, only to ulimatly destroy our communitys, culture, and heritage!
Eh, cheese is niether a great food, nor a terrible food, such as eggplant. It's just kinda there. When added to certain dishes it can bump up certain foods on the tasty scale dramaticly though.