Posted 2004-10-06, 01:48 PM
in reply to KagomJack's post starting "I thank God many times when I see this..."
You know what, I think I'll translate Wig's jibberish. I gotta degree you know, goes with my line of work. Hmm, let's see:
do iget psot points for this? = Do I get another Post point for this?
and why the fuck is the curerent date 1952 or is it the page? = And may I ask, why is the current date shown as 1952? Is it just me, or is it the webpage?
do iget psot?is that how uhave os manyy;io = Do I get Post points for this? Is this why the people on here have so many? Er...io? Prob ;D can someone help me? This is doctorate level jibberish. Anyone any ideas???
ok chruser said osmeone puked dopamine on my thread i was jwust wondering wh othat was?thnx to u he closed it u ashholes u frekain sucxkk. = OK. Chruser said:
Chruser said:
Has someone puked Dopamine on this thread?
I was just wondering what it was. Thanks to you he closed it. YOU ARSEHOLES!!! YOU ALL FUCKING SUCK!!!
wth is dopamine? What is Dopamine?
It is so satisfying correcting retards. You lot ought to try it sometime.
Shame Mr. Wig's banned. I had fun translating his jibberish. How long he banned for? I think once he's back, I'm going to reply to all his posts with the proper ENGLISH translation. I may also put in an AMERICAN translation if he uses the very rare words such as neighbour, or colour, or favourite.