Who said you could eat my fig newtons = me
yo f#ck the world: ya u like it up the bum
yo f#ck the world: ya
yo f#ck the world: i no u do
yo f#ck the world: u sick mother fucker
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: Heh, its funny to see how much of a dumbass you sound like
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: You know, arguing on the internet is like running the special olympics, either way your still retarded
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: pwned
yo f#ck the world: ya u are gona get a fucken a fuckin mealt u aree gona get a fucken gay arward
yo f#ck the world: wut e/v
yo f#ck the world: fuck off
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: Could you re type that not sounding like a blubbering dumbass?
yo f#ck the world: u well im drunk
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: I couldnt understand one world of that
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: U well im drunk?
yo f#ck the world: u gona tell ur dady
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: haha PWNED
* I Could Go for a Fig Newton pwns j00 suXxorz
yo f#ck the world: wut the fuck is a Fig Newton is that when u get it up the ass
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: Its a snack
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: Now don't you feel special becuase you are drunk?
yo f#ck the world: so u swollow ur snack
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: Hmm?
yo f#ck the world: or mabe other mens sacks
yo f#ck the world: i laugh at u , u sick fucker
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: your feeble attempt of trying to pwn me is failing miserably
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: your pathetic use of words need work
yo f#ck the world: shut up
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: ha
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: and thats your comeback?
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: pitiful
yo f#ck the world: did say that is wanted u to talk
yo f#ck the world: u fucken feg
yo f#ck the world: fuck u
yo f#ck the world: fuck
yo f#ck the world: u
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: feg?
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: is that your word of the day?
yo f#ck the world: u sick fucer
yo f#ck the world: ok
yo f#ck the world: her
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: fucer?
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: word of the month?
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: or did you learn it from your gang of cool kids
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: ?
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: Im serious
yo f#ck the world: feg' that means u suck dick and u like men
yo f#ck the world: there u go
yo f#ck the world: that is wut it means
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: wow, a talking dictionary
yo f#ck the world: ya u bitch
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: Write me a book that explains idiot-speech
forster_ryan@hotmail.com (yo f#ck the world) has joined the conversation.
I Could Go for a Fig Newton: I could use it next time I listen to your drunken rampage
yo f#ck the world: k bitch
forster_ryan@hotmail.com signed off at Fri May 30 13:59:24 2003
Session Close (yo f#ck the world): Fri May 30 14:03:33 2003