Posted 2023-07-31, 12:56 PM
in reply to D3V's post "Dragon Ball Super"
I (in the last two years) watched the Original DB through Cell. Made sure it was the dub with the synth, for my nostalgia, but I admit I appreciated the alternate audio/Subtitles with JP dialog.
I don't like Super. I will Defend Majin Buu, but ngl, I think Super is a little much.
Like, I understand "I'm Goku, and I trained with God (Kami)" "I'm Goku, and I trained with Gods Gods God. (Kaio)" was a funny joke at first, but I don't think people understood that it was a joke at all, I think somehow it went right over a lot of peoples head, and so it jsut kept doing it's natural escalation, until Gods gods gods gods gods gods pet animals are a thing. Ngl, analyzing it as a theater major has done a lot, especially knowing the details behind DBs creations (basically, he would make every chapter off the top of his head. Literally, like, all the way until Z ended, basically) it has made it very easy to see things from Toriyamas PoV (how the series managed to keep going, is simply "natural escalation", for the obvious example)

Last edited by Skurai; 2025-02-08 at 11:39 AM.