Tonight was fun - we had a Halloween Bop, whic involved everyone dressing up as one of the seven deadly sins. I went in my pyjamas, a dressing gown and slippers - Sloth! One guy on the corridor went only in his boxers, and covered himself with chocolate spread - Gluttony!
I don't think anyone on the corridor went as lust, actually. There were two other sloths (we 'fell alseep' in one corner together, then decided we could all do with a beverage), a few gluttons, a couple of Envy's, some greeds, some angers and two prides, but I don't think we had lust.
So I'm going to be making use of my sleeping bag tonight.
Quite a good night - another bar crawl, then pizza, then a film (PotC 1). On Monday, my corridor has a full bar crawl with the college Exec - that's 14 bars!! Should be fun.