Posted 2008-07-13, 01:54 AM
in reply to hotdog's post "I want a another Mecha game."
How about Armored Core? I don't know what system you are looking to play them on, but Armored Core is Playstation...
Robotech is pretty fun for XBOX...
Custom Robo for gamecube is alright, but hella short! Im talking like...it takes me forever to beat games that are 10+ hrs, but I finished this one in like 5-6 hours...
As far as Computer games... I have no idea... I don't really play computer games... unless you count the robot backing to the Solitaire cards o.O
Jan. 1926 - Dec. 2010 est.
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Spy Hard
Agent WD-40:
Well, you carry a UB-21 Schnauzer with an OPS Silencer, that's KGB, You prefer an 18-K over an AK, Your surveillance technique is NSA, Your ID is CIA, you recieved your PHD at NYU, traded in your GTO for a BMW, you listen to CD's by REM and STP, and you'd like to see JFK in his BVDs getting down with OPP and you probably put the toilet paper back on the roll with the paper on the inside...