Posted 2003-09-24, 12:04 AM
in reply to CrOnIc-KiLlA's post "World Record Thread"
Mr.Lee 2826
Wiccan][V][asta 1981
RoboticSilence 1934
Chruser 1894
JRwakebord 1412
Randuin 1069
Hellmonkeys 1047
User Name # 1 810
Unregistered 770
Sum Yung Guy 701
tacoX 629
Sirpullido 596
Strider Fury 490
Adrenachrome 448
ViciousMilitia 431
Gsus 400
JohnnyTAE 385
Jamesadin 347
Squirt 346
Shinto Katana 244
Tai 243
Edipus Brown 228
Teddybearian 206
EvilSteven 202
-Bryan- 170
Killah 162
thatdude331 148
Shpook 133
Isolate Mind 132
LiveWire 125
Unregistered2 113
answer763 111
Thag 107
Dunno 93
NonGayMan 85
"CRØNîC-KîLLå" 73
ask_rabber 73
Xenn 72
Kingof2v1 71
HLomegasin 65
mjordan2nd 63
Acer 59
-Spector- 52
Absolut 47
mightychicken 44
PozerPunk 42
Valmar 36
blckshdwdragon 36
undeadzombieguy 35
uncapped 32
Eddie_Perez 30
Shade 29
J_iceman 28
SpicyMeatBall 28
Rikku 28
Titusfied 28
WetWired 26
icesage 26
JiDDaR 25
McScrotum Itch 24
Hades-Knight 24
MadLlama69 22
platnum 22
Badass Gandhi 20
J-B 19
khwiii 18
McKintups 17
Anime-Otaku 17
Sovereign 17
Lamootz 15
245029 15
symnzXx 14
!King_Amazon! 14
Penguin 13
airdawg13 13
I)ark_Phoenix 13
Doofus_AW 13
asstoo 13
BlueCube 13
GINick010 12
Maple556 11
Ganga 10
Splinter 10
badboy 10
Kaneda 10
Jizmo 9
Raziel 9
DaFrigginDoctah 9
quikspy67 8
Kuja 8
Apoq 7
tekiou 7
PsycoCarrot 6
natedowgg 6
GravitonSurge 6
talenaskittie 5
Shammy Brown 5
Humaster 5
EX-Mania 5
AnimeBoi 5
CrEEpR 4
Medieval Bob 4
MarkiX 4
Urbanxxxassualt 3
www.com 3
kickyanads 3
zethilone 3
zeal311 3
Gladius 3
iceman887 3
FoOzazn 3
kaos 3
-=Rico-GP=- 3
GameCube 3
p1ng 3
Anarchist 3
slaynish 2
iusetobekool 2
DrowningOnAir 2
CrOnIc-KiLlA 2
swampfoxxxinn 2
tidus2005 2
hackerdude123 2
Silverjinx18 1
Nardwuar 1
Balton 1
Shayde 1
King Kai 3 1
TheStryker 1
-kikumonji- 1
duyzer 1
<>< 1
Boo~Hoo 1
haplo 1
WiccanIs1337 1
Kuja`s #1 1
supaflip_69 1
Admiral_Jason 1
burritoX 1
devilchildboi 1
Faze 1
Oreo 1
zagggon 1
Iluvatar 1
Oridus 1
udda 1
øøxXxøø 1
Borc 1
ÐeT 1
dreamgun 1
WakeUpFast66 1
Arbitus 1
diablo2freak 1
Necro 1
Penny_Bags 1
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."- Benjamin Franklin