Desperately want to start doing some Pvp. I have several games at my disposal, and anything that is suggested that I don't have can be easily accessed. I want to pvp, plain and simple. I have done it in just about every game. From Guildwars, to Warhammer, and World of Warcraft to Aion.. all are pretty different.
World of Warcraft seems to be who can get the biggest crit first. The damage in WoW is getting insane, and so spikey that its scary. Trying to start pvp in wow its very annoying and tedious, but once you get the gear and ability, you are basically unstoppable.
Warhammer is what I will say the easiest to get into pvp. The game is damn near built around it. From level 1 you can queue up for scenario's and pvp your way to the level cap. The RVR Lakes are amazing, but I don't even know if people are even still playing it? Great Pvp game though.
Aion pvp is confusing, well.. technically I have no idea. You can't pvp in the game until level 25, and the grind to get there is very long. Apparently the game comes together at 25, and you get new abilities that make grinding easier. I will have to try to reach 25 before I can comment more.
Lastly, Guildwars. It has been a while since I tried to pvp in guildwars. From what I remember you basically tried to get into a random pug and hope you beat the AI's or you got in on the IWAY wave and got rank 3 which gets you an invite into a semi good group. Without rank 3 though you are pretty much helpless.
I want to pvp, I want to pvp with someone (I love to heal) What are the suggestions?