Posted 2006-08-07, 03:03 PM
in reply to Sovereign's post starting "Tell me of your adventures with mr heat..."
Aaactually, the weekend was incredibly pleasant. It rained for the first half of Thursday, so we had to wait to set up the camper and tent, but the rest of the weekend was quite enjoyable. We had 80 degree weather, it wasn't at all humid, and we were at a very nicely shaded campground.
It would have been better if I hadn't caught the huge fucking cold that I currently have, but that didn't actually spark up until last night, long after I got home. My nose is both stuffed and runny, my throat hurts like a bitch, I have a killer headache, and I'm bloody exhausted regardless of how much I slept last night.
All in all however, I had fun. This little vacation should keep me from wishing a torturous murder on the idiot customers at work for another couple of months.