Posted 2003-10-21, 03:51 AM
in reply to Raziel's post "Favorite FF Villain?"
Kuja`s #1 said:
How many times do I have to tel you guys? SEPHIROTH WAS A PUPPET! He is nothing. Jenova controls his mind. None of his actions were independent. He is just a scared little boy as Sorceress Edea or Ultamecia would say. Sephiroth is a puppet. But this is only fact #1. Onto #2
He wanted to rule the planet. He wanted to be a god. Blowing the planet up was something that Jenova hid from him. She let him think he was going to be a god, but all he would do is kill himself.
Nowhere in game it say Sephiroth is under Jenova control and if you remember there is a protective shield you gota go throught when you go to beat sephiroth he would have been safe and what he wanted wasnt to rule ! It was to be one whit the planet.
You just always seem to make up thing as you go whitout caring much for whatever the thing really are...
Sephiroth chose his side.
Juggalo said:
Kuja...He was pretty mean and evil....but hes a man with a thong come on...
What your saying is just plain stupid it s just like if i said.
Omg your sig got some pink in it ! Your a fag !
Serious try to say something that make sense.
Last edited by Kuja; 2003-10-21 at 03:53 AM.