Posted 2003-08-01, 04:08 PM
in reply to Anime-Otaku's post "Drug Question"
Long post, this is why drugs like Heroin and Cocaine are horrible.
Zelaron: consdering you're doing/have done heavier drugs
drtypsstst: I only occasionaly smoke weed
drtypsstst: the others are horrible things I wish I could forget
drtypsstst: but cant
drtypsstst: I can never even be around them EVER
drtypsstst: they feel too good
drtypsstst: to pass it up
Zelaron: yeah
Zelaron: a very strong dopamine kick
Zelaron: hmm
Zelaron: just a question
drtypsstst: Do you want a first hand explanation of heroin and cocaine?
Zelaron: if you had done the drugs without actually knowing what they were...
Zelaron: what do you think would have happened?
Zelaron: sure
drtypsstst: I think I would have forgotten the experiance
drtypsstst: ok first is heroin
drtypsstst: I injected it many many times a day for weeks straight
drtypsstst: The weeks seemed like days
drtypsstst: You cant use the bathroom
drtypsstst: nothing works
Zelaron: hmm, doesn't sound too good
drtypsstst: have you ever taken a pain killer like vicodin or percoset?
Zelaron: no
Zelaron: =P
drtypsstst: ok
drtypsstst: Well its like a powerful painkiller to the leet'th power
Zelaron: yeah
Zelaron: heroin is legal in the UK
drtypsstst: you feel like you are a tiny person operating a huge body
Zelaron: only for dying people though as a painkiller
drtypsstst: well we use morphine
Zelaron: yeah
drtypsstst: which is worse IMO
Zelaron: over here, too
Zelaron: synthesised morphine
Zelaron: with removed effects of addiction
drtypsstst: it instantly removes any worries about anything but getting more dope
Zelaron: hmm
drtypsstst: and when you're all out, and cant ever get more
drtypsstst: you get sick
drtypsstst: i mean SICK man...
drtypsstst: your whole body cramps up
drtypsstst: and you feel like dying right then
drtypsstst: for days
drtypsstst: then after your thru being sick
drtypsstst: you still feel like dying
drtypsstst: its horrible
drtypsstst: Cocaine
Zelaron: hmm
drtypsstst: injecting coke is very similar to smoking Crack
drtypsstst: when you first hit yourself, you feel a rush of energy, an EXTREME rush of energy
drtypsstst: your head tingles and its like a train going through your head
drtypsstst: and it feels incredible
drtypsstst: then a minute or less later its time for another hit
drtypsstst: and atleast $5 a hit
drtypsstst: I did two ounces of coke within a few days
drtypsstst: and lost ALOT of money
drtypsstst: when I ran out....
drtypsstst: I didnt get sick
Zelaron: hmm
drtypsstst: I seriously wanted to die
drtypsstst: I was rethinking my whole life
drtypsstst: and how it would never be worth living if I didnt get more coke
Zelaron: yeah
Zelaron: lack of objectivity = deadly
Zelaron: =P
drtypsstst: oh life has a purpose
drtypsstst: only one
drtypsstst: getting more coke
Zelaron: still?
drtypsstst: Chris
drtypsstst: its been atleast six months since I did these drugs for the first and last time
drtypsstst: I still think about it almost everyday
Zelaron: yeah
Zelaron: well, keep thinking about them
drtypsstst: can you imagine how big of a mistake it was to do that shit...
Zelaron: and don't do them
Zelaron: yeah
Zelaron: drugs are very bad
drtypsstst: when I say thinking about them
drtypsstst: I think about doing it
drtypsstst: I sometimes dream about it
Zelaron: yeah, I understand
Zelaron: but you're strong enough to resist them
drtypsstst: and when I wake up I look for it by the bed
drtypsstst: horrible
Zelaron: yeah
Zelaron: I know addictions fairly well
Zelaron: so I understand how terrible it is
drtypsstst: it almost makes my eyes water
drtypsstst: I had a dream about heroin just a fwew days ago
drtypsstst: all day all I could think about was getting some
drtypsstst: A good friend of mine who was with me when I was doing these drugs, and doing them also, called me the other day, he'd relapsed, he was doing coke and invited me
drtypsstst: I denied it
drtypsstst: luckily
Zelaron: :T
drtypsstst: Alot of people I know do them and I dont even talk about or to them anymore
Zelaron: yeah
drtypsstst: two of my best friends are now prostitutes just so they can get dope, and they were like the most masculine people before
Zelaron: well, they're the ones dying while you're being tortured for once being stupid enough to do them
drtypsstst: now they are total fags
drtypsstst: yes
Zelaron: scary
drtypsstst: thats one of the reasons I respect marijuana so much
drtypsstst: no addiction what-so-ever
drtypsstst: and hardly a bad effect on the body and brain
drtypsstst: compared to heroin or coke, marijuana shouldnt even be considered a bad drug
Zelaron: it's not good, but alcohol is worse AND addictive
Zelaron: and a lot more common, too
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Last edited by Adrenachrome; 2003-08-01 at 04:44 PM.