Posted 2008-07-26, 09:47 PM
in reply to Goodlookinguy's post starting "Pushing buttons down on a calculator..."
Pushing buttons down on a calculator and taking classes that make you do more work is stupid and does not mean you are smarter than everyone else. You see, the brighter side of us know that we can still get into a good college without that crap. I, for one, technically graduated in 11th grade taking all mediocre classes. I am taking this last year to rack up my overall GPA and to go way above the required credits for fun. Also, maturity comes with age, and obviously you haven't reached that point yet. Maybe a year from now, you might be better. However, as of right now you're not showing it real well. You're an extreme bigot, obviously not smart enough to realize how wrong the way your thinking is. Anything you throw at me will be thrown back at you 10-fold what you threw at me. I started working for my adult life when I was 12. Started off by trying to learn one of the harder programming languages, C++. As you can see, all of the History, English, Spanish, AP shit I could have taken would have amounted to nothing in my real life. Where would I have used it? A game show maybe? That's right, a game show. Unless you plan on teaching that kind of jazz, there's no point for it. Sooner than later, you will forget it all. So, no, you are definitely not intelligent.
Well obviously you use advanced classes in high school so you can get a head start in College. Then you can pave out all those general classes you're forced to take your first 2 years, and can focus on a major/minor. There's a difference between being immature, and joking around. I use the latter in this forum. I act mature when necessary, obviously you can't see that in my posts because all you pay attention to is when I joke around, natural really. The excuse you gave for not taking advanced classes really sucked. One takes advanced classes because one is capable of all the work with those classes, wants a challenge, and can comprehend what they say. I think you fit in the category of people that are intelligent, but are lazy and take mediocre classes just to not do any work. And lastly, to take pre-calculus at 10th grade, you had to take certain tests back in 6th grade that fit you into either Algebra 1 directly or pre-algebra. I fit into the first category, doting me some level of intelligence to be fit into an advanced mathematics class at that age. Now this is just an example mind you.
As for quikspy, shut the fuck up. It's annoying that all you do is put posts after other members putting me down in some way or supporting when someone else flamed me in some way. Trolling is more like what you are doing

Last edited by Wallow; 2008-07-26 at 09:50 PM.