Posted 2010-10-01, 10:48 PM
in reply to Kazilla's post starting "Sounds good, at a party now but, I will..."
There are several tactics to pirating, all of them do involve destroying (or ransoming) a ship before it reaches its destination. It's important to note that if you engage a player in highsec, Concord will show up and WTFPWN you -- one tactic takes this into account.
Gatecamp -- wait in lowsec or nullsec on a gate for something to come through. Gates between highsec and lowsec and between lowsec and nullsec are popular. Note that if you're in a small ship and in lowsec, gate guns will shoot at you.
Suicide gank -- scan ships that pass by. If the value of the cargo far exceeds the value of your ship and you can destroy it in seconds, kill it. Pay for your ship from the earnings. A partner to scoop up the loot is a must.
Wardec -- find a corporation that's all helpless industrials, declare war on them, pick off their ships when they get bored and undock (you can shoot a ship you're at war with without Concord response)
All of these tactics require or work best with friends...
CRTM doesn't pirate, but they do often have PvP opportunities and they aren't afraid to PvP.
