D3V said:
Recently I've been pondering my life, and what I want to do with it. As I am nearing college for the 3rd consecutive time I am wondering where I want to take my 'career'. There are a ton of things that I would love to do, lots of places I'd love to be, many things I feel I could be good at.
But one thing recently, actually today just hit me. Something I obviously have a great passion for, Politics.
Now, I know what you're thinking just because there is a lot to do to even become a politician, lots of schooling work, you need to have great influence, etc. I feel I would be an excellent Representative if I put my heart and mind into what I do, though, this would be a very unrealistic thing for me to accomplish and push forth with.
Anybody else ever feel they could pursuit a career in politics?
Get into law. That's the best way into politics, and even if politics doesn't work out, you've still got a great carreer.
In all honesty, I think you could be pretty good at it. You'll have to work on your communication skills, such as gathering your thoughts in a very clear and concise (and understandable) way.
So what I say, D3v, is go for it. As much as I dislike you sometimes, I think you could be great at it.