Posted 2008-03-27, 07:22 PM
in reply to talentedhamster's post starting "way to kill the fun =["
Seventeen characters, not including spaces. Post approved... just.
It's not really ruining the fun. In places where "lol", "yea" and "wtf" aren't suitable, the fun comes in a different variety. Just imagine the Opinion and Debate forum filled with "yea", "agree", or "watevr"... or the Flame Forum chock full of "gay", "nig" or "pwn". Suitable for the Chatterbox, or the WRT, where conversations are more fast-paced and made up of short, sharp sentences and responses, but not for the more serious sections.
And what can I say? I like things to be organised and with rules set to them. Call me anal about it, but it won't change a thing.