Posted 2003-11-04, 01:40 AM
in reply to Penny_Bags's post "What will run longer? The Simpsons or..."
good point, southpark DOES go around current events, for instance, right when lord of the rings came out and harry potter. southpark made a similar one but instead of the ring it was a port tape!! :-P i was laughing so hard, i cryed.
The only thing is that we need to know WHAT southpark is trying to make fun of. imagine in 10 years a different generation sees the same show and didnt understand it because they NEVER saw lord of the rings and so forth.
with the simpsons, you start from the begining to the end and you would understand it...
if anybody bought the second season of southpark, it said in the special features that the "Makers" are not making as much as they are suppose to. most of the money goes to COMIDY CENTRAL, and that sooner or later they will have all the characters be dead and everything revolving to only one character (sounds stupid i know). so that everybody would stop watching (its something like that. Thats the impression i got from watching that disk)
anyways southpark is good, its just that, because of all these new generation, they might make southpark prohibited and or stop making them because it has TOO much adult stuff