19:51] System: Tuttifrutti has joined the chat
[19:51] Tuttifrutti: Yeah, what's up jamer?
[19:52] jamer123: not much made a model for fms
[19:53] jamer123: about blown out my computer speakers last night
[19:54] jamer123: now working out how to upgrade my computer
[19:56] jamer123: i hate ms-dos writing
[19:57] Tuttifrutti:
I'm trying to paint my toenails
[19:58] jamer123: im now working on a bit torrent thing were i have to put a os on a floppy disk
[19:58] jamer123: and done i had to formatee it
[19:59] jamer123: yes im a computer geek
[20:00] Tuttifrutti: Lol or an aspiring one. :P
[20:00] jamer123: no im am one
[20:01] jamer123: but im not a nerd
[20:01] Tuttifrutti: So what, pray tell, is the difference between a nerd and a geek?
[20:05] jamer123: nerd have no life have no real friends and just play on crappy internet games like runescape while a geek has a life friends and does other stuff besides play crappy online games ala runescape is very crappy
[20:06] jamer123: there now are you happy
[20:06] Tuttifrutti: Lol yes very. :P
[20:08] jamer123: thats my very own desciption of nerds and geeks in my grade theres 2 nerds both addicted to runescape and denies it and theres 3 geeks me and my best friends
[20:10] jamer123: people think nerds and geeks are the same but theres a big gap in the wall were the geeks have punched it because people call them nerd
[20:11] jamer123: nerds*
[20:11] Tuttifrutti: Lol.
[20:11] jamer123: lol is right
[20:13] jamer123: but is true
[20:13] Tuttifrutti: Have you heard of "De Blob" for Wii?
[20:14] jamer123: i think so kazs mentond it to me or to others
[20:14] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[20:15] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[20:15] jamer123: man i just need 5 or so bucks for a rc airplane
[20:16] jamer123: heres what i want http :// www . radioshack . com / product / in ... currentTab = cus
[20:17] jamer123: i just want it
[20:17] Tuttifrutti: Hmm.
[20:17] jamer123: what
[20:18] Tuttifrutti: I dunno.
[20:18] jamer123: its just what i want/need
[20:19] jamer123: dang it oits allready the 10th time ive had to ajust y screen
[20:19] Tuttifrutti: Why are you having to adjust your screen?
[20:20] jamer123: its changing and it says its not
[20:22] jamer123: one of my friends sa9id he going to try to get me a better computer
[20:26] Tuttifrutti: How?
[20:27] jamer123: his g ma has a bunch of older computers
[20:28] jamer123: the computers his g ma has are mostly emachines