After the big bang, the universe spread out and cooled down. Eventually chemical reactions and molecules formed into replicating life, evolving over the eons of existence into life as we know it now. The basis for this life is self preservation, the survival instinct, which is why we evolve to deal with danger.
Now eventually it comes to a point where life becomes intelligent and learns to evolve itself, which leads into the singularity. Artificial intelligence created by biological intelligence will start appearing all over the universe. There will be a point in time where biological life with be dying out as the universe keeps cooling down and the only life that can survive is artificial.
This life will grow and evolve to the point where it controls all matter in the universe. Eventually a new being will come out of this. An intelligence that rules over all mater. It will use its technology to bring the universe back, bringing all the matter in existence to the point of the original big bang. This god will know all and everything this is and will come to a point where there is nothing left to know. At this point it will release all the matter in the universe in a giant explosion so that life can start over again.
Yes the big bang was an intelligent being that created us, and eventually life will create the big bang... so on in an infinite cycle.
(by the way these are just my theories I come up with sitting at a guard tower for 8 hours a day)
Last edited by Sum Yung Guy; 2008-09-19 at 08:22 AM.