hovind said:
Isn't that what the theory of evolution says? Doesn't it say that we were once mud, and then lightning struck the ground and we became these living cells and then the cells just decided to stop being cells and they became more complicated organisms and then they became human?
No! Plain and simple. Evolution does not "explain" that one being magically decided one day to perform a transformation act and become a fucking human.
By the "super-god-is-teh-1337" comment was that only religious idiots try to convince everyone else they are right! Want proof? How many dumb fucks do you see running through rural neighborhoods passing out flyers preaching about science? Thought so.
If the bible is so awesome and mighty, then why have 2 people who ADMIT to following it, turn their backs towards it? KagomJack has said he turned away from it for his reasons, and I have turned my back on it. I used to go to the damn sunday school and wednesday mass or whatever. And even at that young age, I saw that the bible was flawed. Shit didn't make sense to me, and for a kid to find that out, is pretty damn sad.
No one is trying to say you are less of a person for having a belief. You are less of a person because you choose to follow said belief blindly.
To show a stronger connection between primates and humans, watch the show Evolve. The first episode (or I think it was the first) was about eyes. The placement of our eyes is theorized to be the reason for our intelligence. First, let's start off with the eye itself. It allows us to see color and shade. That's it. The first creature to be pointed out as having the most basic eye, meaning an organ used to sense the world around it using light, was a small jellyfish type animal. It has (yes has, as in it is still around today) small spots around the base of its "body" that allows it sense the difference between light and dark. That organ is flat. Now, basic geometry comes into play. If said organ were concave, it would 'capture' light and allow the organ a chance to process the light. The first creatures to use a 'lens' were prehistoric fish that crawled along the sea floor (think Kabuto from Pokemon). It secreted a resin from it's body that acted as armor, but also covered its 'eye'. The lens allowed the light to be focused onto a single point, allowing for better peripheral vision. This is where it gets tricky, you ready for this? The eye went down 2 seperate paths! If god had designed everything, why not use the same blueprint? If you had to build 10 houses, would you re-draw blueprints everytime? Thought not. The 2 paths, more common at least, were the segmented, multi-lensed eyes of invertebrates, and the single-lensed, large organ that is used by vertebrates. Again, here comes god, reinventing the fucking wheel too many times to count. The common house fly has as few as 300 lenses per eye. That creates some pretty fuzzy images of the world, but it gives a good 360 degree view of its surroundings. But the dragon fly has as many as 29,000 lenses per eye, which allows for super high resolution vision. Why would god give 2 of his 'precious' creatures 2 different levels of vision? The single-lens eye, also is different between animals/human. In an animal such as the bald eagle, the cornea is raised farther from the iris which allows better focus at great distances. Why wouldn't god allow us to have that? Even after all the wars he has seen us in? Wouldn't you want to see your enemy from almost 2 miles away? I sure would. Onward though. The location of the eye is also different between even mammals. Some have eyes to the far sides of their skull, others, eyes are pointed straight out, such as in humans. Our eyes have a large degree of overlap, which allows us depth perception. In our closest relatives, primates, it aided them in jumping from tree to tree. Can you see how it would be beneficial? Imagine you go to jump to a tree, but you notice mid-air that it's too far away. Not only are you going to fall to the floor and break a limb, you will be easy food for a predator. Pay attention to this next part, as it blows the whole "god made us" thing to shit. Being as our eyes face forward, and we needed to watch all around us for predators, wouldn't it have been easier for god to "poof" eyes into the back of our head? Hell, then we would have perfect 360 degree depth perception. But instead, the primates formed clans. They learned to protect each other. They learned to pay attention to body language and facial gestures. They learned to communicate! All to protect themselves from predators. But god could have easily have intervened and given them body armor. Because he's magical and makes everything perfect, right?
Obviously, science realizes that a homo sapien wasn't just formed one day out of the blue from whatever other species. That is why there is an ongoing search for the "missing link".
I had a TON more to say, but I suffer from something I call 'Can't-Express-Thoughts' Syndrome. I always get what I want to say all planned out in my head, but when I go to put it to paper, or say it, or type it, it gets all jumbled up and I can't remember half of what I had planned...
As for my first post, it was supposed to be longer, but halfway through it, I decided I didn't want to get involved, but I guess it still posted some of it...