Posted 2007-11-08, 12:55 PM
Jessifer said:
Morally, no, I don't believe there are cases where it's moral. Justified, however, that all depends on personal beliefs. I believe there are rare cases where it's justified...id est mass murderers, child rapists and such.
However, that still doesn't mean it's moral, even to a person who may find it justified.
Personally, I don't believe that Morality and Justification should be paired with each other to begin with.
This is continued from the death penalty thread.
What I can't understand is why do people consider rape to be that bad? I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly just don't see it. I definitely agree it's wrong and it should be punished. But I think it's of the magnitude of assault, or maybe assault with bodily injury, but not murder.