ok, so many of you guys say the bible is crap, it's not real, it contradicts it self. Well the words in the bible were inspired by god, and the message it gives us can grant us eternal life!
What i'm basically saying is, i found out a few answers to what people mostly think of the bible, i'll start with 1 and you guys can ask any other things you may like, i'll answer as best as i can using the bible it' self.
#1 The bible was written by men.
well yeah, that's true, infact. 40 different men participated in it's writting, but it was inspired by god.
What does that mean? it means that god directed the writings of it through the 40 participants, like the same way a boss of a big company, tells his secretary to write things down for a letter, sure, the secretary wrote the letter, but it's the boss' thoughts that are in it.
The idea of receiving messages from someone who's there, out of our reach, is something that's not surprising, even humans have sent messages and images from the moon. How? Taking advantage of the laws that god himself established oh so long ago.
But, how can we be sure that the bible has god's real thoughts in it?
Well, it contains information that could no have originated from a human source. What kind you may ask? Detailed information about the future, and this information has resulted to be completly exact.
for example, in jeremia, 49:17, 18: (i can't translate well so i'll just put the basics here), it says that edom was going to be point of humiliation. All who would go past her, would stare, and whistle with motive of all its' plagues, justily, like the fall of sodoma and gomorra and it's neighboring villages, Jehova has said:" no man shall live there ever again"(this was writen and completed by the year 580 B.C.)
when it came true: judas macabeo(lol) got rid of the edomitas from palestine in the age 2 B.c (siglo=age...um not sure)and in 109 B.C john hircano, caudile macabeo, exteded teh kingdom of judas to thepoint of incluing part of the occidental lands of edomitas.
IN the age 1 Bc the roman expansion ended with the last vestigios of the independence of edomitas. Later on the romans destroyed JErusalen in 70 AD
the name Idumea[edom] disappeared from history (the new funk and wagnalls encyclopedia, 1952, tome 11, page 4114)
NOTE: the coming true of this extends until OUR days. In any matter it is impossible to argue that the profecy had been written AFTER these events occured.
like i said, i'll try to answer anythign else you might throw at me, WOW i did WAY to much research, lazy time for 5 hours now......oh and since i did so much work using good grammar