Well I noticed that Fallout and Fallout 2 were damn easy to beat after your level 8 or so I'm hoping that they make Fallout 3 harder to beat because after about level 8 (or level 10 for some builds) I noticed that I was able to take on just about any odds without any help at all which was kinda lame.
Also the AI was pretty stupid in combat because they would be placed in such wide spread locations you would have 5 different fights on one screen. That really made the game easy because the AI would only use like some (or half at most on some screens) in a fight thus meaning the other 5 or 6 guys in the next room or hallway wouldn't come for you while you shot up their leader or buddies which really screwed the games difficulty in the ass.
Anyways if anyone has anything else to rant about in the Fallout games difficulty being a bit rigged please say it since everyone probably didn't have these issues or maybe had their own issues please do.