Adolf Hitler: The Most Honest Politician of All Time
Posted 2005-02-27, 10:29 AM
Quite a few books I have read on Adolf Hitler, and I have come to the conclusion he was the most honest politician of all time. Comparing him to other politicians, this is indisputably correct. He told the common people about the Jewish menace. (which still runs rampant today-- SOURCE: http://natall.com/who-rules-america/index.html) Very few European leaders before him spoke out against this evil menace. He promised the German Volk a an Economic miracle--and kept that promise. He said he would repudiate the terms of the Versaille treaty, and promptly did so. This undeniably proficient leader promised he would gather all the german peoples into one homeland, and achieved this within a few years of coming to power. He promised full employment--and within 5 years of his economic policies unemployment in Germany fell from 26% to less than 5%. Has there ever been a more honest and truthful European political leader? If every politician was like this man, this world will be assuredly better. Also, let us not forget that the gene pool would be cleansed, and no more mongrels would run rampant in this world.
Even when you look at pictures of this man, you can see the integrity in his eyes. I remember seeing pictures of him hugging little kids & women and one where he is petting a deer. I will try to find them for you all.

Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.
When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.
Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.
If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.
Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.
You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.