To be honest with you, CNN was not exactly the first place I expected to report on Doom 3. A few pieces of the article in particular were especially interesting.
Will Doom 3 revive the struggling PC gaming industry?"
First off, since when has the PC gaming industry been struggling? Pirating hits consoles, too, and although there IS less money to be made from specific genres of PC games than there is on consoles, saying that the
PC gaming industry is
struggling is far from the truth. Oh, that's right, the delays of Doom 3 and HL2 has suddenly made the
ENTIRE PC gaming industry struggling. Or so he eloquently puts it.
Of course, id Software is not a dumb company. An Xbox version of "Doom 3" is well underway and was heavily shown at this year's E3 trade show."
That just pissed me off, plain and simple. Not only has the author of the article, Chris Morris, shown prejudice toward PC games, but now he claims that the XBOX is a BETTER platform than the PC without any arguments why. Maybe he subtly wants the reader to understand that the XBOX sales are better than those of the PC, but the platform is far, far behind the PC in performance.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram