I'm posting this just so we can get all of the "What's your favorite *blank*" threads out of our systems.
Final Fantasy Game: FF9 Non-Final Fantasy Game: Tie - Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross Character: Magus (Chrono Trigger) Side-Character: General Leo (FF6) Villain: Kuja (FF9) Boss: Culex (Super Mario RPG) Enemy: Any kind of Imp (Chrono Trigger) Weapon: Lionheart (FF8) Skill/Technique: Strong Arm (Chrono Cross) Limit Break/Trance/Overdrive: Satellite Beam (FF7) Spell: Ultranova (Chrono Cross) Summon: Odin (FF9 or FF4) Town: Tie - Zeal (Chrono Trigger)/Icicle Inn (FF7) Dungeon: Giant of Bab-Il (FF4) FMV: Kuja at Burmecia (FF9) Mini-Game: Beetle Hill Race (Super Mario RPG)
Least Favorites
Final Fantasy Game: FF10 Non-Final Fantasy Game: Threads of Fate Character: Wakka (FF10) Side-Character: Baigan (FF4) Villain: Seymour (FF10) Boss: Calbrena (FF4) Enemy: Tonberry (Super tough and no reward. Sign me up!) Weapon: Wakka's Blitzball (FF10) Skill/Technique: Enemy Skill (FF7) Limit Break/Trance/Overdrive: Slot (Cait Sith's or Selphie's) Spell: Venom (FF4...1 HP of damage...the fuck?) Summon: Ixion (FF10...it's a fucking unicorn!?!?) Town: Wutai (FF7) Dungeon: Temple of the Ancients (FF7) FMV: Cloud and Tifa fall into the Lifestream (FF7) Mini-Game: Triple Triad (FF8)