Chruser not responding to IM's
Posted 2003-07-29, 03:46 AM
I was EXTREMELY bored, at 4:33 AM. Chruser, being the only person online, was who I decided to talk to at this unholy hour:
Chruser, Chruser, where are you?
Chruser, Chruser, has sleep caught you too?
If its 10 AM in Sweden and 8 PM here at the bay,
Does that mean that Chruser does not sleep during the day?
Chruser, Chruser, where are you?
Chruser, Chruser, has your day rolled a-new?
When you do talk, is it here to stay?,
Or is it like a flower that wilts away in a day?
Chruser, Chruser, we shall wait and see, if
Chruser, Chruser, sends an IM back at me.