For those who don't know what that is.. a lucid dream is a dream where you can control almost anything by sheer will and emotion.. the way you do this is that you have to know you are in a dream and know that anything in your dream is influenced by what you want it to be "if you know it is a lucid dream".. and for that you first have to figure out that you are not in a reality.. and another thing you have to do is that when you know you are in a dream; try not to wake up, don't make an effort not to wake up but just remember to keep dreaming and to avoid it nomater what...
Even though what i'm writting sounds like it's easy to do.. it is actually very hard uneless you have a method and I have it.. If you REALLY want to have lucid dreams then you must remember what the signs are of ur dreams.. when you wake up from a dream you have automatically forgotten around 50% of ur dream... 5 minutes after you only remember around 20% and 10 minutes after that you only remember around 5% and that's why recognizing a dream is so hard.. because you don't remember the signs of a dream is while you are sleeping.. so what you must do is:
Keep a sleep journal so when you wake up you immediately write down what you remember of the dream, colors, feelings, emotions, smells, the story and surrounding.. everything you remember about the dream you write down.. and when you eventually 'forget" you can just read that and be reminded what was in your dream so that next time you are dreaming you recognize the signs and you remember you are dreaming so you can then control your dream at will...
Note to some dreamers: some people who remember they are in a dream often wake up from the sleep.
When you do this for about 2 weeks or so (writting the dream journal) you will start being able to control things in it... such as seeing whoever you want.. doing whatever you want, feeling whatever you want at will.. so it is truly a great experience..
If you have tried this or are trying this tell us about it.. I will also make a dream thread where you can write about your dreams taht you have written down so you can tell the peple about what you would have forgotten but didn't cuz u wrote it down... seems interesting.