hello, my name is deo, new to this forum...i hope i can learn alota things here...
well 4 years ago i built a comptuer with a abit motherboard, 800 mhz, 133fsb, 2x 15gig hd, 512 regular dimm ram.. after 4 years of wonderful time with my computer, some of the components of the motherboard melted...so i build a new computer, my 2nd computer....a 3.0 ghz soyo motherboard, intel pentium 800mhz bus speed...for some of you guys out there, which do you prefer?? 3.06ghz with 533mhz bus speed or 3.0ghz with 800mhz bus speed....??? i think either\or??? or is there such thing as 3.06 with 800 mhz bus speed???
well i bought with it a really nice case with plastic glass on the left side of the computer with 4 fans that light up, installed on the case....the power supply is 420w that has a glow on the bottom of the powersupply....64mb agp nvidia card that went bad on me....the computer just wouldn't go to normal mode, just on safe mode...if i removed the driver, and put it to 16 colors, it would go to normal mode, even on a newly installed operating system....anyone out there heard of that type of problem before?? i gave the card to the manufacturer for diagnosis, never heard from them yet...so right now i am running an ati radeon7000 32mg ddr ram pci card..works great!!!! it looks like this forum likes ati better than nvidia....i think the opposite...i hear that ati is not really reliable and often goes bad ....remember i heard this, not much experience yet.....but to my experience, you guys are right...ati is better, the only thing i don't like is when you install the ati driver, it puts something to the taskbar....i really don't like anything on my task bar...i had to delete lines from registry and some lines from system.ini to remove it from the taskbar.....on the other hand, nvidia, you have the option to install the base driver....the idea of nvidia is better turned around when i started having problems with it...
the computer has a dvd rom and a hp cd writer 9100 series...i plan to get a dvd writer...i saw on a computer convention a pioneer dvd writer for 175....its getting cheaper!!!!
after building this computer....i remembered that i had warranty on the abit motherboard, so they replaced it with a 800mhz soyo mother board.....sweeeet...i have 2 computers now...thats my point in all of this.....warranty is important....i got a new computer just because i paid 43 bucks for warranty..before the abit motherboard went out the sound had problems, now all that changed because warranty....
reply to this thread if anything comes up to mind..
i do not kill because i do not fear...master mold...