Decriminalization of marijuana DEBATE
Posted 2003-05-16, 07:53 PM
Hey, I want to know the forum's stance on pot, knowing if you like the idea of having it decriminalized in canada or not.
If you do post why you like the idea or not and if you have anything to add FOR or AGAINST the decriminalization then feel free to do so.
Here are my reasons why i'd like to have it legal:
1) Having it illegal ruins more people's lives than it would theoretically (according to some of the goverment) if it was legal because it has been proven that it does not harm the body as much (sure 1 dose will amount to more cigarettes but the amount you take in is significantly lower than cigarettes because you do not constantly need a "refill" of THC like you would need with nicotine)
2) This is a very soft drug, the effects are felt strongly but the fact that almost any task can be done while being under it's effects, ofcourse people can't do EVERYTHING while high but that's why people just do it on their free time when they don't have to do anything.
3) This drug has barely contributed to any deaths, maybe some accidents involving clumsiness but nothing serious. Alcohol kills thousands of people each year, marijuana kills almost none.
Goverment has a commercial saying a certain high percentage of tested car accident victims have tested positive to marijuana, my own idea on that is that the only people they test is people they see obvious signs of pot use, (i wish the goverment commercials actually told the people the full statistics of howmany people get in car accidents and howmany people get tested instead of giving a percentage)
4) Why is marijuana illegal if alcohol isn't?, alcohol is significantly more dangerous than marijuana, it ruins your liver, you get hangovers (bad headaches and feeling of dislocation from the world) the next day, not being able to remember what happened while drunk, dizziness and confusion, stignamus (which blurrs your eyesight) all these are some NEGATIVE symtoms of alcohol even though there are positive ones but i'm using this as a pointer to prove that the negative effects of alcohol are much worse than THC and cannabidiols.
5) This drug is judged on many sites who tell you that the drug effects an important part of your brain which if you harm then it can harm you, this part is where you recieve information and how you percieve things, it does altar that part of your brain but does not harm it.
6) Cops spend way toomuch time trying to look for the pot smokers instead of fighting real crimes.
7) Alot of money is spent each year to enforce the anti-THC laws, couldn't this money go somewhere else?... like in your pockets, or something more useful than fighting a harmless intoxicant?
8) Some goverment officials call potent marijuana the "crack" of marijuana, making it look dangerous because he used the name of a harmful drug, in reality it is not a "crack" of marijuana but it is a more potent version of the drug, same effects but takes less time to consume because you don't need asmuch, this is simply proving that the goverment uses technical terms and skips words that would prove the drug to be harmless.
Please post your oppinion below and tell me if i made any mistakes anywhere
Have fun this is now a debate
- EX-Mania
Note: Tell us why you think it is good or not and if your posts don't tell us why it will be deleted because if you don't it will cause spam. *deleting spam*
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