If you where to be stranded on a Desert Island & you could choose one person from Zelaron to be with you, who would it be??? & who would you LEAST want to be with you?
I would like to be stranded with Raziel he would make me laugh with his insane cuss's & stop me from going insane with his intelligent wit.
I would Least like to be stranded with Senesia
Too long with Sen & i would be killing my self, she knows far too much about every thing.
I would like to be stranded with Senesia she knows far too much about every thing. She could say what plants are safe to eat & stuff like that
I would Least like to be stranded with Raziel he would cuss me, and after a few years it would be annoying
Think i'd be DoomeD!!!
or maybe if i was with both it would be ok
(if this has been done before then it was before i joined so i wouldn't know that)