Well, this story isn't as amusing as other times, but here it is:
I don't remember why, but my dad and I got into a heated argument in my room. Things quickly escalated and it got physical. Now, my dad is 6'2 220 pounds, and I'm 5'9 140 pounds, so yes - Bad move on my part. (He did not give me the black eye.)
So while we're fighting, my mom freaks out and calls 911. Within 5 minutes, there were 7 police in my room, and 1 outside. When I saw the police I got even more pissed off and went to hit the first one who walked through. My dad saw this and wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't move. The cop then pulled out a taser and ordered me to get on the ground. I replied with, "TASE ME MOTHER FUCKER, TASE ME!"
The cop remained where he was and kept yelling at me to get on the ground. Not wanting to get tased, my father let go of me and backed up. I stood in the middle of the room yelling at the police, encouraging them to pull out their guns and shoot me. Eventually 4 of the cops that were behind the one with the taser pinned me down on the ground and handcuffed me.
They took me down to the Medical Hospital, still in handcuffs to get my vitals taken, and to be psychologically assessed by a psychiatrist. He marked down homicidal, suicidal, Bi-Polar, OCD, Poly-subtance abuse and alcoholism.
By now I had calmed down, they put me on an ambulance and drove me to the Psych Ward, where I was stuck for 8 days.
And that's about it.
The black eye, well.. I have a friend who lives with me, his name is Richard. A day before I got arrested, I was all fucked up on Klonopin and could barely stand. (He actually gave me the Klonopin as a birthday present lol.) Anyway, his girlfriend was over at the time, and I decided to make things difficult by making awkward sexual comments. Well, it worked and both him and her were quite unpleasent. I thought this was great and kept going until Richard got quite pissed off. He walked up to me and said, "If you don't stop I'm gonna beat your ass."
Now when you're high on benzos, you aren't thinking correctly and you really don't care about anything. So I continued on and he became irate. I asked HIM if he wanted to take it outside and he said yes. So we go outside and I'm just laughing my ass off, not really paying attention to the fact that I REALLY pissed him off. So I start walking toward him, laughing, not even having my fists up ready to fight and BAM! He takes one swing and it directly connects with my eye/face/head. Granted, he's the same height as me, but wieghts 200+ and is quite stocky.
I take 4 or 5 steps back and fall down. I get back up, still laughing and walk back over to him. I shook his hand and said, "Damn man, that was a good hit!"
He's been in many many fights, but he said that he's never had that response. He starts laughing and apologizes and I told him don't worry about it, I deserved it. We walk back inside and he's laughing harder than I am.
And that's where my black eye came from.
Oh, and the purse in that picture is my girlfriend's, she took the picture. (See member pictures thread, she's in a couple of mine.)
