The future of Zelaron, Game Reviewing?
Posted 2008-09-06, 08:58 AM
I am writing this to expose an exciting idea that Chruser and I were talking about this morning. Here we go:
"Tired of hearing only hearing established game reviewers get the reviews all wrong? Ever wanted to get your own voice heard? Zelaron is a game review site where you, the reader, can become the reviewer. We do not have staff reviewers, we have you. Be heard, join Zelaron." That's the very brief, general idea.
We'd like, in the future, for Zelaron to be a game reviewing site. There are a few big hurdles:
1. How do you guys think we should do the grading system? Should it be done by members only, or just as exclusive as unique i.p. addresses? What do you all think?
2. What are some incentives besides posterity do you think will help game reviewers come to zelaron? At least initially, these need to be non-financial incentives (as the community grew there would be more resources for thinks like game consoles, etc.) But what would make you want to review games?
3. Where do you think we could advertise? The Something Awful forum has already been brought up by Chruser. But where else? Where do you think there are a lot of people that just want to be heard?
4. What features would you like included with the reviews? Of course links to public profiles of the reviewers would be included, and links to personal websites could be put there. However, what other neat ideas do you guys have for features that would make Zelaron a step above others?
What are the benefits if this were a success?
1. You (possibly), establishing yourself as a popular game reviewer.
2. Beta key giveaways if we grew large enough.
3. Game giveaways, again, if we grew large enough.
4. If enough traffic were to come through, ad revenue would be able to support good, substantive prizes.
What are you guys' thoughts?